Articles & Reports

Recent Articles

AUG 30, 2022 Article

The Big Picture

From Ukraine to the U.S. Supreme Court, the news has been full of stories to get enraged about, many with connections to emerging technology. ...

AUG 30, 2022 Article

General Milley's Ethical Dilemma: The Letter That Was Never Sent

More than two years after President Trump’s infamous stroll across Washington DC’s Lafayette Square Park, General Mark Milley has gone public with his ...

AUG 18, 2022 Article

Who Decides Who Decides What Conversations Are Allowed About Artificial Intelligence?

In the development, use, and purchasing of AI systems, it is important to ask questions about who holds power, what conversations we are—and are ...

AUG 17, 2022 Journal Online Exclusive

What We've Been Reading

Welcome to our roundup of news and current events related to ethics and international affairs! Here’s some of what we’ve been reading this ...

JUL 29, 2022 Journal Online Exclusive

EIA Summer 2022 Issue--Out Now!

The editors of Ethics & International Affairs are pleased to present the Summer 2022 issue of the journal! The issue looks at climate change and the representation ...

JUL 29, 2022 Journal

The Meaning of Terrorism

Terrorism is an essentially contested term in contemporary moral and political discourse. The Meaning of Terrorism is carefully argued, clearly written, and filled with empirical ...

JUL 29, 2022 Journal

Sharing Responsibility: The History and Future of Protection from Atrocities

Protecting civilians from atrocities and the arbitrary behavior of states is the subject of passionate debate among supporters and critics, for whom the core norms ...

JUL 29, 2022 Journal

Introduction: Representing Vulnerable Communities and Future Generations in the Face of Climate Change

The essays in this roundtable seek to advance discussions of how to ensure that climate-vulnerable communities and future generations are best protected from the adverse ...

JUL 12, 2022 Journal Online Exclusive

What We've Been Reading

Welcome to our roundup of news and current events related to ethics and international affairs! Here’s some of what we’ve been reading this ...

JUL 1, 2022 Journal

Summer 2022 (36.2)

The editors of Ethics & International Affairs are pleased to present the Summer 2022 issue of the journal! The highlight of this issue is a roundtable organized ...