Articles & Reports

Recent Articles

FEB 1, 2011 Article

China: The Romance of Realpolitik (September/October 1989)

This article (written soon after the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre) confronts the failure of the "China experts" in academe to penetrate the reality of ...

A southern Sudan referendum ballot. <a href="" target=_blank">USAID Africa</a>

FEB 1, 2011 Article

The Promise and Peril of an Independent Republic of South Sudan

Many ask, "Will the newly independent South Sudan become a failed state?" But the real question is, "Can North Sudan remain a viable state without ...

Collage of Julian Assange, by <a href="" target=_blank">Artensoft</a>

JAN 28, 2011 Article

WikiLeaks: An Overview, Part I

The U.S. government is in an awkward position. How does it legally distinguish between WikiLeaks and the traditional media? Is Julian Assange, in fact, ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Azzazello</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

JAN 20, 2011 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Latin America's China Challenge

China's growth has been a great boon to Latin America in the short-term. It is up to Latin American nations to translate these short-term gains ...

JAN 11, 2011 Article

The Causes of the Financial Crisis

The main cause behind the recent financial crisis was the accumulation of hidden risks in the system. This was compounded by the agency problem, which ...

Women's Group in Kitengesa, Uganda <br>with Newly Purchased Chairs.

JAN 11, 2011 Article

Kitengesa, Uganda: Happy Development

A series of inter-related projects in a Ugandan village show that small can be beautiful, particularly for women--and it all began with a community library.

Cutting the Fuse

DEC 14, 2010 Article

Suicide Terror and the Preoccupation with Occupation

According to Robert Pape, suicide bombers the world over are not motivated by religion; they are all secular nationalists resisting foreign occupation. Is there really ...

<a href="" target=_blank">Dilma Rousseff (center)  and Lula</a>. <br>Aloizio Mercadante <a hfer="" target=_blank">(CC)</a>

DEC 14, 2010 Article

Las Presidentas

A new era in Latin America or status quo in another form? While female politicians' success in Latin American elections is laudable, this trend does ...

DEC 3, 2010 Journal

Briefly Noted

DEC 3, 2010 Journal

Women and States: Norms and Hierarchies in International Society by Ann E. Towns

This new work by Ann Towns is an intelligent and timely addition to interdisciplinary scholarship that is interested in the relationships between the status of ...