Articles & Reports

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DEC 3, 2010 Journal

Genocide: A Normative Account by Larry May

Larry May's "Genocide: A Normative Account" is not a study of genocide per se, but rather an attempt to draw attention to the conceptual and ...

DEC 3, 2010 Journal

The Birthright Lottery: Citizenship and Global Inequality by Ayelet Shachar

"The Birthright Lottery" puts forward an account of birthright citizenship as analogous to inherited property, and proposes a birthright privilege levy on citizenship inheritance that ...

DEC 2, 2010 Journal

Implementing the Responsibility to Protect: Where Expectations Meet Reality [Full Text]

Scholars of RtoP need a much deeper understanding of both how norms evolve and the competing normative commitments that drive those who remain skeptical of ...

DEC 2, 2010 Journal

Common Health Policy Interests and the Shaping of Global Pharmaceutical Policies

The division of interests in key health policy areas are not necessarily between rich and poor countries, but between pharmaceutical industry interests and health policy ...

DEC 2, 2010 Journal

The Politics of Carbon Leakage and the Fairness of Border Measures

It is possible to design fair border measures that address carbon leakage, are consistent with the leadership responsibilities of developed countries, do not penalize developing ...

DEC 2, 2010 Journal

The Responsibility to Protect: Growing Pains or Early Promise?

The ability of RtoP to deliver has been mixed, but it is a bit early in RtoP's young life to judge what it will be ...

DEC 1, 2010 Journal

Winter 2010 (24.4)

CREDIT: <a href="">counterclockwise</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

NOV 24, 2010 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Innovations: Science Diplomacy in South Asia

The United States should play a more active role in building trust between India and Pakistan around nonpolitical issues such as science and sustainability.

<a href="" target=_blank">The hidden lake, Israel</a>, by Kinneret Yifrah (<a href="" target=_blank">CC</a>)

NOV 23, 2010 Article

Water, Water Everywhere

A constructive engagement over water supply and stewardship might just create an atmosphere conducive to constructive dialogue on more contentious problems in the Middle East ...

NOV 22, 2010 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Innovations: Kongjian Yu: The Art of Survival

Landscape architect Kongjian Yu is pioneering energy efficient and spiritually enriching designs to reconnect China's rapid urbanization to the land.