Recent Articles

SEP 28, 2010 • Journal
United Nations Justice: Legal and Judicial Reform in Governance Operations by Calin Trenkov-Wermuth
Calin Trenkov-Wermuth's "United Nations Justice" provides a thoughtful and useful contribution to the understanding of how UN governance operations have evolved.
SEP 28, 2010 • Journal
The Commitments of Cosmopolitanism
Gillian Brock's "Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Account" and Darrel Moellendorf's "Global Inequality Matters" present carefully crafted accounts of the obligations we have to non-compatriots and ...
SEP 28, 2010 • Journal Online Exclusive
How to Punish Collective Agents: Non-Compliance with Moral Duties by States (Response to Toni Erskine)
If individual moral agents do wrong they usually deserve and are liable to some kind of punishment. But how can states be punished for failing ...
SEP 28, 2010 • Journal
Reviving Nuclear Ethics: A Renewed Research Agenda for the Twenty-First Century
Since the end of the Cold War, international ethicists have focused largely on issues outside the traditional scope of security studies. The nuclear ethics literature ...
SEP 28, 2010 • Journal
Kicking Bodies and Damning Souls: The Danger of Harming "Innocent" Individuals While Punishing "Delinquent" States
Institutions can be assigned duties, and thus can also be blamed for failing to discharge them. But how can we respond to this type of ...
SEP 28, 2010 • Journal
The Ethical Implications of Sea-Level Rise Due to Climate Change
Does humanity have a moral obligation toward the estimated millions of individuals who will be displaced from their homes over the course of this century ...
SEP 28, 2010 • Journal
Just War, Jihad, and the Study of Comparative Ethics
What can the study of the comparative ethics tell us about the similarities and divergences between the just war and jihad traditions? How can the ...

SEP 23, 2010 • Article
Sustainability: An Engine for Growth
"Sustainability is changing the way businesses think about innovation—with customers, partners, and within organizations themselves," writes Corporate EcoForum's Jeffrey Hittner.

SEP 20, 2010 • Article
Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Briefings: Journalism Students Interview Policy Innovations
Indian Institute of Journalism & New Media students interview editor Devin T. Stewart on how journalists can use social media for newsgathering, research, interviews, crowdsourcing, and ...
SEP 16, 2010 • Journal Online Exclusive
EIA Interview: Mathias Risse on Justice and Common Ownership of the Earth
Philosopher Mathias Risse discusses his concept of common ownership of the earth--the equal claim of each person to the planet and its resources--and what this ...