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MAR 4, 2022 Journal Online Exclusive

What We’ve Been Reading

Welcome to our roundup of news and current events related to ethics and international affairs! Here’s some of what we’ve been reading this ...

FEB 18, 2022 Article

The Techno-Military-Industrial-Academic Complex

The Harvard Strike in the spring of 1969 emerged out of what we students perceived as the university’s complicity in the Vietnam War. After Harvard ...

FEB 17, 2022 Article

Mapping AI & Equality, Part 5: The AI (De-)Legitimation & Distribution Crises

Humanity has entered an inflection point in human history. The convergence of crises caused by climate change, pandemics, structural inequality, and destabilizing technologies all contribute ...

FEB 10, 2022 Article

Mapping AI & Equality, Part 4: Justice, Fairness, & Equal Opportunity

To date, much attention has been directed at ways in which AI can reinforce existing forms of bias including those around race, gender, and disabilities ...

FEB 3, 2022 Journal Online Exclusive

What We've Been Reading

Welcome to our roundup of news and current events related to ethics and international affairs! Here’s some of what we’ve been reading this ...

FEB 3, 2022 Article

Mapping AI & Equality, Part 3: AI’s role in altering the human condition and what it means to be human

The current AI discourse revolves around a core question: Will the human condition be improved through AI, or will AI transform the human condition in ...

JAN 28, 2022 Journal Online Exclusive

Ethical Fandom in an Era of State-Owned Teams: The Case of Newcastle United

Many sports teams are owned by individuals and companies that engage in legally and morally dubious activities. For players and for fans, it is important ...

JAN 27, 2022 Article

Mapping AI & Equality, Part 2: Defining AI & Equality

Artificial Intelligence is a contested term. Generally, it refers to the simulation of human cognitive capabilities (discrete forms of intelligence) by machines. However, there has ...

JAN 27, 2022 Article

If “trust is a must,” three practical things that AI regulators need to do

“On artificial intelligence, trust is a must, not a nice-to-have,” proclaimed Margrethe Vestager, the European Commission’s digital chief, in a statement launching the long-awaited ...

JAN 20, 2022 Article

Mapping AI & Equality, Part 1: Navigating the promise and peril of technological innovation

In mapping AI and equality, it is helpful to develop broad categories that highlight distinct trajectories showing how AI impacts people and their relationships with ...