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SEP 26, 2008 Journal

Defining Environmental Justice: Theories, Movements, and Nature by David Schlosberg

This volume is political theory at its best, providing an invaluable review of the contemporary literature, subverting traditional political categories and distinctions, and suggesting new ...

SEP 26, 2008 Journal

The Politics of Anti-Westernism in Asia: Visions of World Order in Pan-Islamic and Pan-Asian Thought by Cemil Aydin

Aydin challenges popular assumptions that non-Western ideological movements are always hostile to Western values, on the one hand, and that such movements emerge as a ...

SEP 26, 2008 Journal

Bounding Power: Republican Security Theory from the Polis to the Global Village by Daniel Deudney

An important insight, with consequences for foreign policy and the practice of world politics, is that in the "global village" changing technology invites and even ...

SEP 26, 2008 Journal

Keeping the Peace in Africa: Why "African" Solutions Are Not Enough

Instead of searching for "African solutions" which have proved problematic so far, policymakers should focus on developing effective solutions for the complex challenges raised by ...

SEP 26, 2008 Journal

Horizontal Accountability in Intergovernmental Organizations

Many intergovernmental organizations have recently established offices of internal oversight. Yet scandals have revealed serious flaws in the design of these institutions. This study argues ...

SEP 26, 2008 Journal

Business and Human Rights in Conflict

Can current policy and legal responses make businesses part of the solution rather than part of the problem? And can companies be held accountable—socially, ...

SEP 26, 2008 Journal

Reuniting Ethics and Social Science: The Oxford Handbook of International Relations

The quality of our theoretical argumentation, the diversity and insights of our methods, and our general level of understanding are markedly better than a generation ...

SEP 26, 2008 Journal

An Exchange: The Morality of Immigration [Full Text]

Writing in EIA 22, no. 1, Mathias Risse presented a novel way to think about the problem of immigration in the context of global justice, adopting the ...

Air pollution. Photo by <a href="">Paul <br>Falardeau</a> (<a href="">CC</a>).

SEP 26, 2008 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Briefings: Northeast Puts on the Carbon Cap

The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative could give northeastern states an advantage over other states if a nationwide cap-and-trade system emerges.

The Chess Board 1<br>Photo by <a href="" target=_ blank">tree12</a> (<a href="" target=_blank>CC</a>).

SEP 25, 2008 Article

Public Diplomacy and the 2008 Election

Hidden in the U.S. presidential election is the promise of a renewed emphasis on public diplomacy. But how will America renew a lost love ...