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SEP 3, 2007 Journal

Economic Justice in an Unfair World: Toward a Level Playing Field by Ethan B. Kapstein

"Economic Justice in an Unfair World" is a stimulating, well-researched book combining economic analysis, political philosophy, and contemporary policy, all focused on one key question: ...

SEP 3, 2007 Journal

Ethics in Action: The Ethical Challenges of International Human Rights Nongovernmental Organizations edited by Daniel A. Bell and Jean-Marc Coicaud

Between 2002-2005, the UN University and the City University of Hong Kong organized a series of "dialogues" about the ethical challenges facing international nongovernmental organizations (...

SEP 3, 2007 Journal

The Parliament of Man by Paul Kennedy; Secretary or General? edited by Simon Chesterman; and The Best Intentions by James Traub

With a new secretary-general now in charge and the memories of the bitter final years of his predecessor still vivid, a timely procession of books ...

SEP 3, 2007 Journal

Reconstructing Precaution, Deconstructing Misconceptions

This essay contributes to the debate on the precautionary principle in two ways: 1) it clarifies what is entailed by a mild formulation of the principle ...

SEP 3, 2007 Journal

Trade Rules, Intellectual Property, and the Right to Health

In perpetuating and exacerbating restricted access to essential medicines, current trade-related intellectual property rules on medicines may violate core human rights to health and medicines. ...

SEP 3, 2007 Journal

Poverty and Global Justice

Poverty eradication has been identified as the largest challenge facing international society in its quest for a peaceful, prosperous, and just world. Kokaz responds to ...

SEP 3, 2007 Journal Online Exclusive

Some Worries about Ecological-Humanitarian Intervention and Ecological Defense

Eckersley's arguments for pre-emptive ecological-humanitarian intervention and ecological defense are intriguing. However, the delicacy of these scenarios requires careful attention to the feasibility and overall ...

SEP 3, 2007 Journal Online Exclusive

Ecological Intervention in Defense of Species

Though there is much to engage with throughout the article, I shall only focus on one small part of it: the viability of military or ...

SEP 3, 2007 Journal Online Exclusive

Ecological Intervention and Anthropocene Ethics

Robyn Eckersley's elegant and eloquent argument concerning the limits of "ecological intervention" is constrained by the scope of what is included in her definition of ...

SEP 3, 2007 Journal Online Exclusive

On Not Being Green about Ecological Intervention

"I am sympathetic to Eckersley's assessment of the importance of these problems, but there are certain implications of her (albeit qualified) endorsement of ecological intervention ...