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SEP 18, 2006 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Briefings: Ethical Debate Simmers over GM Food

As with all of humanity’s efforts to tinker with nature, GM food has its share of benefits and risks—as well as vocal dissidents ...

The J Curve

SEP 7, 2006 Article

REVIEW: The J Curve

National trade deficits usually get worse before they get better.This pattern resembles a "J" on graphs and so economists call it the J curve. ...

CREDIT: © Stephen Codrington.

AUG 23, 2006 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Briefings: A Girl's Best Friend? Conflict Diamonds and Corporate Social Responsibility

By the time diamonds reach New York City shops, most have made an arduous journey from large dirt pits in Africa, passing through the hands ...

The Paris Club at 50

AUG 18, 2006 Article

The Paris Club at 50: Solution to the Debt Problem or Symbol of it?

The Paris Club celebrated its 50th anniversary in July 2006. This is a suitable opportunity for rich creditor governments to acknowledge the deeply rooted ethical shortcomings ...

Nepalese woman. Photo by Steve Evans. <br>Creative Commons (Attribution 2.0).

AUG 18, 2006 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Valuing and Validating Nonpaid Work

If people, instead of raw growth, were the focus of our economic thinking, then nonmarket activities would assume their proper value in our understanding of ...

AUG 7, 2006 Article

Democracy Cannot be Imposed by Force

While democratic states tend to protect their own citizens and tend to be more peaceful, does it follow that democratic systems ought to be imposed ...

Internet cafe with Linux-style penguin in Khotan, an oasis city in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China. Photo by Colegota, 09/10/2005. Creative Commons (Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Spain).

JUL 28, 2006 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Briefings: Diffusing Censorship: Blogging in Iran

The 1979 Islamic revolution and subsequent takeover of the U.S embassy in Tehran isolated Iran from many countries politically and economically, but government censorship of ...

JUL 25, 2006 Article

The False Dilemma of the Sweatshop

Poorer countries can avoid a trade-off between enhancing labour standards and taking full advantage of job-creating production and trading opportunities if current international trade rules ...

JUL 13, 2006 Article

We Could Fight Drugs Together

In the growing confrontation between the United States and Iran, there is one area which has been overlooked and could provide an area of mutual ...

JUN 29, 2006 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: Human Rights Must Be a Consideration for Economic Development Organizations

It is often argued that organizations that deal with economic development should avoid human rights issues because the two topics are distinct. This argument holds ...