Articles & Reports

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MAR 31, 2006 Article

The Place of Faith in Public Life

"I have said, "Yes" to the question, "Does religious faith have a place in public life?" says John Brademas. "But I must at the same ...

JAN 16, 2006 Article

Background Papers on Ethics and Debt

Herman's "The Players and the Game of Sovereign Debt" describes arrangements that guide the interactions of actors involved in this issue. Barry's "Ethical Issues Relevant ...

DEC 13, 2005 Article

The UN Charter and the Neoconservative Challenge

Preventive war and democracy promotion are the two main prongs of the neocon challenge to traditional UN norms governing the use of force. Farer criticizes ...

The $100 Laptop

NOV 3, 2005 Article

Morgenthau Lectures (1981–2006): The $100 Laptop: The Next Two Billion People to Go Digital

Negroponte's latest venture, One Laptop per Child, is a non-profit organization that manufactures and distributes inexpensive laptops to children worldwide.

AUG 2, 2005 Article

Accountability in International Development Aid

Wenar examines the concept of accountability, surveying the general state of it in development agencies. He proposes greater accountability in international development,&...

AUG 2, 2005 Article

The Future of Culture and Rights for Bolivia's Indigenous Movements

Present hostilities in Bolivia are fundamentally a war over the representation and status of the rights of the country’s majority indigenous population.

AUG 2, 2005 Article

African States, Aggressive Multilateralism And The WTO Dispute Settlement System

What accounts for the underutilization of the WTO dispute settlement process by states in Africa? What structural factors currently inhibit the ability of states in ...

AUG 2, 2005 Article

Policy Innovations Digital Magazine (2006-2016): Commentary: The Urgency of Building Alternative Development Strategies

The Caribbean, along with the rest of the developing world, needs space for experimentation and for learning from the shared experiences of development policymaking.