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NOV 5, 2004 Article

Realism Reconsidered: A Tribute to James Chace

“James is somebody whom I admire for his many virtues. It is appropriate that we appear here tonight under the banner of “ethics.” James is ...

Ruins from a temple in Naffur (ancient Nippur), Iraq.<br><a href="" target="_blank">Wikimedia Commons</a>

NOV 5, 2004 Article

Feature Articles from Inprint Newsletter (2001–2004): Safeguarding the Past for Iraq's Future

Archeologists estimate that there are 20,000-100,000 ancient sites in Iraq, most of them not yet excavated. The removal of artifacts from these sites could prove ...

NOV 5, 2004 Article

Feature Articles from Inprint Newsletter (2001–2004): The War for Muslim Minds

Three years after the terrorist attacks on American soil, many of us continue to wonder at the mindset of the perpetrators. In the past six ...

NOV 5, 2004 Article

In Memoriam: James Chace

"In his numerous studies on American history and foreign policy, including some splendid shorter review essays, Chace--an old-fashioned liberal in his politics--essentially propounded a "realist" ...

NOV 2, 2004 Article

New Rules for War?

In launching a campaign to disarm and liberate Iraq, the United States has crossed, some say hurdled across, two thresholds—one strategic, the other diplomatic. ...

NOV 2, 2004 Article

New Rules for War?

"The old rules are fine. They give us all the normative guidance we need. But that said, these old rules and the principles they instantiate ...

SEP 22, 2004 Article

Morgenthau Lectures (1981–2006): The Changing Role of Humanitarianism: A Study Guide to the Work of Bernard Kouchner

A study guide to the work of Bernard Kouchner, co-founder of Med&eacute;cins Sans Fronti&egrave;res/Doctors Without Borders,&nbsp;including an excerpt ...