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AUG 31, 2004 Article

Feature Articles from Inprint Newsletter (2001–2004): Ask the Candidates--and Ourselves

Election seasons are a time of easy claims of moral clarity and virtue. Yet elections can also heighten our awareness of important issues, encouraging sharp ...

JUL 6, 2004 Article

The Role of Reparations in Transition to Democracy

Much attention is paid to prosecutions implemented by countries transitioning to democracy--but little to their efforts toward reparations. Yet from the standpoint of the victims, ...

JUN 28, 2004 Article

On Becoming Our Own Worst Enemy

"Ethics is a complex issue, and more so in war when our nation rightly sanctions deadly force in ways unacceptable in peace. But, . . we must ...

The Catholic Revolution: New Wine, Old Wineskins, and the Second Vatican Council

JUN 1, 2004 Article

"To Be Read" Book Review Column: Andrew Greeley, "The Catholic Revolution: New Wine, Old Wineskins, and the Second Vatican Council"

Andrew Greeley reappears now at a moment when I, and I suspect others, really need him, addressing a question that has been bothering me for ...

MAY 14, 2004 Article

'Responding to "Delinquent" Institutions: Blame, Punishment and Rehabilitation'

Report on a workshop that confronts "both the conceptual and practical complexities of blaming, and attempting to respond to, formal organizations that are seen to ...

MAY 7, 2004 Article

The Impact of Corporations on Global Governance

In this report of the Empire and Democracy Project three leading corporate social responsibility (CSR) experts discuss the growing influence of corporate power on democratic ...

MAY 6, 2004 Article

From the Margins to the Mainstream: A Blueprint for Ethics and International Affairs

For me, the way into the study of ethics and international affairs begins with the concept of choice. Ethics is a reflection on the choices ...

MAY 6, 2004 Article

Feature Articles from Inprint Newsletter (2001–2004): Response to "Fighting for the Environment -- and Getting Democracy"

Joanne Bauer observes that environmental issues have become an impetus for grassroots political participation in transitional societies. Yang agrees, but with caution: "Approaching democratic change ...