Articles & Reports

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MAR 31, 2004 Article

Promoting Democracy through International Law

Failing to draw adequately on international law, the model of democracy promoted by the Bush administration is neither effective nor legitimate in the eyes of ...

MAR 23, 2004 Article

Responsibility and Global Labor Justice

Who should take responsibility for the global labor injustices that are manifested in the existence of sweatshops in the apparel industry? And, what is the ...

MAR 4, 2004 Article

From Andrew Carnegie to Hans Morgenthau: A Lesson in Ethics and International Affairs

Carnegie and Morgenthau make an instructive pairing. Carnegie, an idealist, stood for “never again war,” while Morgenthau stood for “never again genocide.” Nobody wants to ...

MAR 4, 2004 Article

Feature Articles from Inprint Newsletter (2001–2004): Response to "Promoting Democracy in a Divided World"

Omar Noman takes issue with several of Andrew Kuper's ideas on promoting democracy.

MAR 4, 2004 Article

Feature Articles from Inprint Newsletter (2001–2004): From Andrew Carnegie to Hans Morgenthau

Carnegie and Morgenthau make an instructive pair, explains Council President Joel Rosenthal. Carnegie, an idealist, stood for "never again war," while Morgenthau stood for "never ...

aFIghting for the Environment--And Getting Democracy

MAR 2, 2004 Article

Feature Articles from Inprint Newsletter (2001–2004): Fighting for the Environment -- and Getting Democracy

"I [spoke] with a Chinese environmentalist who was a high school student at the time of Tiananmen. He said he had watched the democracy demonstrations ...

Wild Nights: Nature Returns to the City

MAR 1, 2004 Article

"To Be Read" Book Review Column: Anne Matthews, "Wild Nights: Nature Returns to the City"

This is an environmental jeremiad with a difference. No complaining here, no direct appeal for a harmony between humankind and nature. Matthews’s eye is ...

FEB 17, 2004 Article

Historical Memory and the Building of Democracy in Iraq

Report of an 2/17/04 "Beyond History and Memory" seminar, a series cosponsored by the Council's History and the Politics of Reconciliation Program and Columbia University.

Desolation and Enlightenment book cover

FEB 2, 2004 Article

Desolation and Enlightenment--History or Memory?

The "desolation" of the 20th century--the total war of the two World Wars, the totalitarian regimes of both the right and left, and the Holocaust--has ...

Multilateral Strategies to Promote Democracy

JAN 27, 2004 Article

Multilateral Strategies to Promote Democracy

A panel of high-level peers meet at the Council to discuss multilateral strategies for democracy promotion. Impatient with the usual critique, they begin with two ...