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DEC 8, 2003 Article

"To Be Read" Book Review Column: David Sloan Wilson, "Darwin's Cathedral"

Religion, I think most of us would say, isn't about much if it isn't about belief in a personal God... Religion is founded on the ...

DEC 3, 2003 Article

The First Millennium Development Goal

The first MDG and its public celebration among the affluent hides the largest (though not the gravest) crime against humanity ever committed, argues Thomas Pogge ...

NOV 19, 2003 Article

Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2 No. 10 (Fall 2003): Violence Against Women: Online Exclusives: Women, Violence, and the Reinvolvement of the U.S. Military in the Philippines

The Visiting Forces Agreement, allowing U.S. military personnel access in 22 ports and bases, marked a return to the abuses that women’s ...

NOV 5, 2003 Article

Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2 No. 10 (Fall 2003): Violence Against Women: Articles: Domestic Violence and HIV Infection in Uganda

According to Lisa W. Karanja, women’s activists have documented the linkage between domestic violence and women’s vulnerability to HIV/AIDS—and they hold ...

NOV 5, 2003 Article

Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2 No. 10 (Fall 2003): Violence Against Women: Articles: Battered Mothers vs. U.S. Family Courts

Carrie Cuthbert and her colleagues write that battered mothers facing a family court system that lacks accountability have found hope in the human rights framework. ...

NOV 5, 2003 Article

Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2 No. 10 (Fall 2003): Violence Against Women: Articles: Expanding the Definition of Torture

It is high time, Carin Benninger-Budel and Lucinda O'Hanlon argue, for the UN Committee against Torture to address violence against women in its work.

NOV 5, 2003 Article

Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2 No. 10 (Fall 2003): Violence Against Women: Articles: How the Seed Was Planted

Alda Facio explains how women in Latin America put the issue of violence against women on the map.

NOV 5, 2003 Article

Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2 No. 10 (Fall 2003): Violence Against Women: Articles: Combating FGM in Kenya's Refugee Camps

In her fight against female genital mutilation among refugees, June Munala finds that securing the involvement of everyone in the camp community is essential.