Articles & Reports

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NOV 5, 2003 Article

Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2 No. 10 (Fall 2003): Violence Against Women: Articles: Refusing to Go Away: Strategies of the Women's Rights Movement

LaShawn R. Jefferson describes how the women’s rights movement put violence against women on the international human rights agenda.

NOV 5, 2003 Article

Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2 No. 10 (Fall 2003): Violence Against Women: Articles: Rights for All in the New South Africa

In an interview with Dialogue, Harper discusses how violence against women in South Africa has been justified under the banners of culture, religion, and the ...

NOV 5, 2003 Article

Human Rights Dialogue (1994–2005): Series 2 No. 10 (Fall 2003): Violence Against Women: Articles: Working within Nigeria's Sharia Courts

In the face of Nigeria's expansion of religious laws, as Ayesha Imam explains in an interview with "Dialogue," it is important to work within the ...

NOV 3, 2003 Article

"To Be Read" Book Review Column: Andrew Bacevich, "American Empire," Amy Chua, "World on Fire"

Bacevich argues that America is an empire on the basis of the events of recent decades. His narrative argument is nicely complemented by Chua’s ...

OCT 28, 2003 Article

Feature Articles from Inprint Newsletter (2001–2004): Response to "Shall We Call It an Empire?"

The argument about America’s world role has been dormant, but by no means moribund, for the past thirty years. By the time World War ...

OCT 23, 2003 Article

Feature Articles from Inprint Newsletter (2001–2004): Searching for a New Iraqi Identity

In the early days of reconstruction, might Iraq in fact be better off focusing on its distant rather than recent past? An effort to restore ...

The West and the Rest

OCT 1, 2003 Article

"To Be Read" Book Review Column: Roger Scruton, "The West and the Rest"

Scruton contrasts the structure of Western political life with Islam. Islam then becomes his paradigm for “the rest.” In the West, he says, religion and ...

The Carnegie Council Covers the New War

SEP 25, 2003 Article

Feature Articles from Inprint Newsletter (2001–2004): The Carnegie Council Covers the New War

The most distinguishing feature of the "new war" on terrorism is the moral framework in which it has been cast. Following the terrorist attacks of 9/11, ...

SEP 9, 2003 Article

Privatization and GATS: A Threat to Development?

Over a billion people currently lack access to safe water and other basic services. Should these services be privatized? Will the ...