Articles & Reports

Recent Articles

United States President James Monroe presides over a cabinet meeting, 1823. CREDIT: <a href="">Granger Historical Picture Archive/Wikimedia</a> <a href="">(Public Domain)</a>

MAR 30, 2021 Article

Learning (Ethical) Lessons from the Greek Revolution

In this blog post, U.S. Global Engagement Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev reacts to an article from Paul Glastris in the "Washington Monthly." Nearly 200 years ...

President Macron at the World Economic Forum's Davos Agenda, January 2021. <br>CREDIT: <a href="">World Economic Forum/Pascal Bitz</a> <a href="">(CC)</a>

MAR 30, 2021 Article

ESG Offers Capacity, Capital, and Consensus for Global Challenges

In this article, Carnegie New Leader Ravipal Bains outlines an environmental, social, and governance (ESG) led reorientation of the global financial system. The core idea ...

MAR 26, 2021 Journal Online Exclusive

Learning (Ethical) Lessons from the Greek Revolution

President Biden at the White House, March 2021. <br>CREDIT: <a href="">Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz</a> (<a href="">U.S. Government Works</a>)

MAR 25, 2021 Article

Grappling with Competing Ethical Demands: The New Biden Administration

Any leader faces competing ethical demands. In particular, policymakers must decide which ethical claims to preference and which to defer. In this blog post from ...

MAR 25, 2021 Journal Online Exclusive

Black Lives Matter: Taking Stock of An International Moment

Black Lives Matter is more than a statement. It is even more than a movement. It is a moment of great consequence in our history ...

MAR 24, 2021 Journal Online Exclusive

Grappling with Competing Ethical Demands: The New Biden Administration

MAR 15, 2021 Journal Online Exclusive

What We've Been Reading

Welcome to our roundup of news and current events related to ethics and international affairs! Here’s some of what we’ve been reading this ...

President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Secretary of State Blinken at the White House, February 2021. <br>CREDIT: <a href="">Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz</a> (<a href="">U.S. Government Works</a>)

MAR 8, 2021 Article

Deconstructing the Narratives of the Interim National Security Guidance

Carnegie Council's U.S. Global Engagement program has continued to focus on the overarching narratives that explain and situate America's role in the world. In ...

MAR 6, 2021 Journal Online Exclusive

Deconstructing the Narratives of the Interim National Security Guidance

Professor Joseph S. Nye, Jr., 2013. CREDIT: <a href="">Chatham House</a> <a href="">(CC)</a>

FEB 17, 2021 Article

Measuring Morality in Foreign Policy: Joseph Nye’s Criteria

In this blog post, U.S. Global Engagement Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev reflects on an article in "The American Oxonian" by Joseph S Nye, Jr. ...