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Small boat with 162 Vietnamese refugees sinks just a few meters off the Malaysian coast. Most of the refugees were rescued. <br>CREDIT: <a href="">UNHCR/ K.Gaugler</a> December 1978

MAY 1, 1978 Article

"Do Not Forget Us!"

Activist Bayard Rustin reports on meeting Indochinese refugees in Thai camps, who fled their countries in fear of their lives. He exhorts America to open ...

"No human being, whether in solitude or in mass assembled, should be entirely trusted."

JUL 30, 1977 Article

An Underpraised and Undervalued System

Novak invokes what he calls the creed of democratic capitalism: "(a) individual freedom and the methods of trial-and-error; (b) the innate selfishness and corruptibility of ...

Belfast, 2010. CREDIT: <a href="">Marcella</a> (<a hre="">CC</a>)

DEC 1, 1976 Article

The Red Hand of Ulster

Patricia Moir spent the summer of 1975 living in a Protestant housing estate in Belfast, where she organized a recreation program for the children. Her account ...

February 1974. Expelled from Russia, The Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn is staying in the home of Heinrich Böll. CREDIT: Verhoeff, Bert / Anefo, via <a href="">Wikimedia Commons</a>

JUN 1, 1976 Article

An Interview With Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

"Today this nuclear threat still hangs over both sides, but the West has chosen the wrong path of making concessions. Nuclear war is not even ...

"When the dining hall is well-run, the production spirit will increase" via <a href=""> </a> [People's Commune dining hall]

MAY 1, 1976 Article

The Other China: Hunger Part I - The Three Red Flags of Death

Up to to 43 million people died in China's famine of 1959-61, but few knew about it until decades later. Yet the information was there. From 1965...

U.S. Huey helicopter spraying Agent Orange over Vietnam. CREDIT: U.S. Army via <a href="">Wikipedia</a> (Public domain)

MAR 1, 1975 Article

Environmental War

"Harnessing weather as a means of warfare would at one time have seemed unthinkable, a grotesque variation on chemical and biological warfare. But 'weather war' ...

Tottenham Court Road, London, 1927. Via <a href="">Wikimedia</a>

JUL 15, 1974 Article

Reinhold Niebuhr's Personal Reflections on Britain, 1920s-1940s

In this piece, unpublished during his lifetime, the great theologian Reinhold Niebuhr reminisces about significant British personalities he knew well, in particular Sir Stafford Cripps, ...

MAY 1, 1974 Article

An Ambassador's Reflections on a Bloodbath

Everyone knows of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, when Hutus massacred Tutsis. But few have heard of the 1972 genocide in neighboring Burundi, when Tutsis slaughtered 80,000-210,000 ...

Book covers

JAN 1, 1972 Article

Languages of Murder: William Calley and Charles Manson

Peter Berger grapples with the most shocking U.S. crimes of the 1960s: the My Lai massacre and the Manson murders. While it would be ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Shutterstock</a>.

MAY 1, 1970 Article

On the Moral Implications of Torture and Exemplary Assassination

First published in May 1970 during the Vietnam War, this WORLDVIEW magazine article is just as relevant today.