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Desmond Tutu, 2011. CREDIT: Jmquez via <a href="">Wikipedia</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

DEC 3, 1984 Article

The Bishop and South Africa: An Interview with Desmond Tutu

"I am glad I'm not a Westerner; I am glad I'm not white; I am glad I'm not civilized, if civilized means doing the kind ...

MAY 26, 1984 Article

Morgenthau Lectures (1981–2006): Interest and Conscience in Modern Diplomacy

Famed Israeli diplomat Abba Eban examines modern developments that are said to have vitiated the power of modern-day diplomacy, refuting each in turn. He says ...

MAY 12, 1983 Article

Morgenthau Lectures (1981–2006): FDR's Good Neighbor Policy Revisited

Mexican diplomat Francisco Cuevas-Cancino pays tribute to President Roosevelt for pursuing a Latin American policy that was based on moral principles while at the same ...

Admiral Rickover descends into the circular nuclear reactor shell at the Shippingport Power Facility. Courtesy of LIFE magazine, via <a href="">Wikipedia</a>..

MAY 12, 1982 Article

Morgenthau Lectures (1981–2006): Thoughts on Man's Purpose in Life

"I do not claim to have a magic answer, but I believe there are some basic principles of existence, propounded by thinkers through the ages, ...

DEC 12, 1981 Article

Morgenthau Lectures (1981–2006): Power and Morality in Global Transformation

Famed Indonesian intellectual Soedjatmoko says that the time has come for man to "develop the international legal infrastructure that will enable us to manage our ...

U.S.S.R. summary map, 1968. CREDIT: <a href=">Library of Congress</a>

JUL 1, 1981 Article

Russia's Nightmare Joke--and Daytime Reality

"What if, today, the last great empire on earth were nothing more than a fiction trying its best to convince both itself and others of ...

Carlos Fuentes by D. F. Bach

SEP 1, 1980 Article

Carlos Fuentes on Politics, Language, and Literature

Carlos Fuentes, Mexico's former ambassador to France and famed novelist, short story writer, and essayist, spent the 1979-80 academic year teaching at Princeton. In this ...

MAY 1, 1980 Article

Banned in South Africa: A Personal Account

David Russell was a courageous white South African Anglican priest. On October 19, 1977, the government cracked down on the press, organizations, and individuals who fought apartheid. ...

MAR 3, 1979 Article

Human Rights & Foreign Policy by Hans J. Morgenthau (1979)

In this lecture and symposium, a select group of people joined Hans Morgenthau in a discussion of issues that were central to his presentation: William ...

Sakya Monastery, Sakya, Tibet. CREDIT: <a href=",_Sakya,_Tibet.jpg"> Moszczynski</a>

SEP 1, 1978 Article

When the Chinese Came to Tibet

In this compelling first-hand account, Dowa Norbu explains the Chinese strategies for taking over Tibet. These included co-opting the ruling class, presenting themselves as modernizers ...