Articles & Reports

Recent Articles

Election Day 2020. Des Moines, Iowa. CREDIT: <a href="">Phil Roeder</a> <a href="">(CC)</a>

DEC 15, 2020 Article

The Public Responds: Contributing to a New Narrative on the Future of U.S. Global Engagement

This project on U.S. Global Engagement was launched in 2018. Following the two previous reports, "The Public Responds" includes findings from two surveys taken in 2020 ...

Joe Biden in Ocala, FL, October 31, 2012. CREDIT: <a href="">Christopher Dilts/Obama for America <a href="">(CC)</a>.

DEC 7, 2020 Article

How Will the Biden Administration Adjudicate a Clash of Values?

Looking ahead to potential Biden adminstration plans, Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev writes that the "desire to convene a summit of the world's democratic states to ...

DEC 4, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

How Will the Biden Administration Adjudicate a Clash of Values?

DEC 1, 2020 Journal

Winter 2020 (34.4)

The editors of Ethics & International Affairs are pleased to present the Winter 2020 issue of the journal! The highlight of this issue is a roundtable organized ...

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken &  Vice President Joe Biden in Honolulu, July 2016. CREDIT: <a href="">Staff Sgt. Chris Hubenthal/U.S.Department of Defense</a>/<a href="">Public Domain</a>

NOV 23, 2020 Article

Competing Ethics in the Biden Administration?

In this blog post responding to Thomas Wright's recent article in "The Atlantic," Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev outlines the three different "camps" vying for influence ...

NOV 23, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

Competing Ethics in the Biden Administration?

NOV 10, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

What We've Been Reading

Welcome to our roundup of news and current events related to ethics and international affairs! Here’s some of what we’ve been reading this ...

Washington, DC, November 7, 2020. CREDIT: <a href="">Ted Eytan</a> <a href=>(CC)</a>

NOV 9, 2020 Article

Are the Narratives Going to Matter?

Building on recent episodes of "The Doorstep" podcast, host Nikolas Gvosdev reflects on competing narratives and policy preferences in light of Vice President Joe Biden's ...

NOV 6, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

Are the Narratives Going to Matter?

NOV 3, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

Ecological Genocide in the Amazon: Raphael Lemkin and the Destruction of Human Groups

For most people, the word “genocide” likely evokes mental images of concentration camps, killing fields, and mass graves. Deforestation, no matter how severe, would seem ...