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JUL 16, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

Bill Burns and Narratives About U.S. Foreign Policy

White House press conference, July 14, 2020. CREDIT: <a href="">The White House/Tia Dufour/Public Domain</a>.

JUL 15, 2020 Article

The Persistence of the Trump Narrative

Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev reiterates the point that U.S. foreign policy will not snap back to its pre-Trump state, no matter who is in ...

JUL 13, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

The Persistence of the Trump Narrative?

Hong Kong, July 1, 2020. CREDIT: <a href="">Voice of America, Cantonese Service, Iris Tong/Public Domain</a>

JUL 7, 2020 Article

Difficult Ethical Choices on China

Responding to a dramatic Andrew Sullivan column for "New York" magazine, Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev breaks down the difficult ethical choices when it comes to ...

JUL 6, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

Difficult Ethical Choices on China

JUL 6, 2020 Journal

The Morality of Security: A Theory of Just Securitization

In The Morality of Security, Rita Floyd sets out to develop a normative theory of securitization: a “Just Securitization Theory.”

JUL 6, 2020 Journal

Lengthening the Shadow of International Law

As of 2010, aggression became a crime for which individuals can be tried at the International Criminal Court. While this development may appear minor to some, ...

JUL 6, 2020 Journal

Dwelling in the Age of Climate Change: The Ethics of Adaptation

While climate change–induced migration has received extensive analysis from political geographers, security experts, and others, it has been undertheorized by moral and political philosophers. ...

JUL 6, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

EIA Summer 2020 issue--Out Now!

The editors of Ethics & International Affairs are pleased to present the Summer 2020 issue of the journal! This issue looks at limited strikes, development policy, the "...

Black Lives Matter protest in Columbus, Ohio, May 30, 2020. CREDIT: <A href=>Becker1999</a> <a href="">(CC)</a>.

JUL 1, 2020 Article

Where Do Human Rights Fit In? Policy Narratives Re-examined

Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev discusses Nahal Toosi's recent "Politico" article about a subtle but major shift in the international landscape: human rights groups focusing on ...