Articles & Reports

Recent Articles

Health checkpoints at an airport in Milan, Italy on February 7, 2020. CREDIT: <a href=> Protezione Civile (CC)</a>.

MAR 14, 2020 Article

Peace By Poison: How the Coronavirus Could Fix Globalization Problems

How is the COVID-19 pandemic stress-testing the international system? Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev writes that the virus is accelerating a series of disintegrative processes, which ...

MAR 11, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

A Luxury Carbon Tax to Address Climate Change and Inequality: Not All Carbon Is Created Equal

Just as there is income inequality, there is also inequality in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. A luxury carbon tax is worth considering. It can help ...

CREDIT: 2020 <a href=>survey of attitudes</a>, U.S. Global Engagement program. Map provided by <a href=>Pixabay (CC)</a>.

MAR 9, 2020 Article

What Do Americans Think . . .

The U.S. Global Engagement program at Carnegie Council has been conducting a survey of attitudes about U.S. foreign policy with an eye to ...

MAR 6, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

What Do Americans Think ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Tom Arthur (CC)</a>

MAR 5, 2020 Article

Super Tuesday and the Clash of Foreign Policy Narratives

Democratic voters are now presented with a clear choice between two different foreign policy narratives and ethical considerations when it comes to U.S. engagement ...

MAR 4, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

Super Tuesday and the Clash of Foreign Policy Narratives

FEB 24, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

What We've Been Reading

Welcome to our roundup of news and current events related to ethics and international affairs! Here’s what we’ve been reading this month.

CREDIT: <a href="">Tvabutzku1234 (CC)</a>

FEB 11, 2020 Article

Gallagher's Proposal & Emerging Narratives

Rep. Michael Gallagher (R-WI) recently penned a "Wall Street Journal" op-ed laying out a new paradigm for U.S. foreign policy, as it relates to ...

FEB 10, 2020 Journal Online Exclusive

Gallagher's Proposal and Emerging Narratives

Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at a rally in Philadelphia for his 2020 presidential campaign. CREDIT: <a href=>Michael Stokes (CC)</a>.

FEB 7, 2020 Article

As Biden Stalls, Is the "Restorationist" Narrative Losing Ground?

U.S. Global Engagement Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev notes that former Vice President Joe Biden is, in foreign policy terms, most associated with a "restorationist" ...