Articles & Reports

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NOV 7, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

Rethinking the Politics of Rights

Many international human rights advocates have long assumed that rights are natural, universal, indivisible, and absolute–or, as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights puts ...

NOV 7, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

Law, Morality, and Culture in Rights as Weapons

I distinctly remember meeting Clifford Bob three years ago at an International Studies Association conference, and learning about the fascinating ways in which Catalan nationalists ...

NOV 7, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

Ends and Means: A Response to Rights as Weapons

In Clifford Bob’s latest book, Rights as Weapons, he argues that rights are not political ends in themselves but are rather an effective means ...

NOV 7, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

Sources of Firepower for Weaponized Rights

“Rights” are often portrayed as things that are universal, apolitical, inherent, or natural, and as ends in themselves. But what if “rights” are mere rhetoric, ...

NOV 7, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

Ruling by Rights: Rule Making and Embedded Normativity

Clifford Bob’s Rights as Weapons offers a gripping description of the manifold ways people use rights-claims to attain strategic goals. In addition to using ...

NOV 7, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

A Conversation about the Politics of Rights within Rights as Weapons

Clifford Bob’s book Rights as Weapons: Instruments of Conflict, Tools of Power builds a powerful argument that rights can be weapons of political conflict. ...

NOV 7, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

What We've Been Reading

Welcome to our roundup of news and current events related to ethics and international affairs! Here’s what we’ve been reading this month.

Senator Elizabeth Warren in Iowa, June 2019. CREDIT: <a href="">Lorie Shaull</a> <a href'=""(CC)</a>

OCT 30, 2019 Article

Crafting Narratives and the 2020 Elections

As the recent U.S. Global Engagement report notes, there is no longer one main narrative for U.S. foreign policy. Senior Fellow Nikolas Gvosdev ...

OCT 30, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

Crafting Narratives and the 2020 Elections

The Project on U.S. Global Engagement has released its report, The Search for a New Narrative: Recasting American Involvement in the International System. 

President Donald Trump at the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, September 2019. CREDIT: <a href=>The White House (CC)</a>.

OCT 25, 2019 Article

The Search for a New Narrative: Recasting American Involvement in the International System

This project on U.S. Global Engagement was launched in 2018. An initial report, released in December 2018, diagnosed the causes and symptoms of the narrative collapse ...