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SEP 18, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

Candidates, Calculus and the Iran Crisis

I had the distinct honor and pleasure of speaking with the members of the Greater Des Moines Committee on Foreign Relations this past Tuesday around ...

Protest against U.S. military attacks in Syria, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 2017. CREDIT: <a href=>Fibonacci Blue (CC)</a>.

SEP 17, 2019 Article

The Narrative IS Changing . . .

The narrative about America's role in the world is changing--and more evidence is accumulating that suggests that no matter how the 2020 presidential and congressional elections ...

SEP 12, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

The Narrative IS Changing ...

One of the criticisms that the U.S. Global Engagement project has received over the past year is the assessment that we are assigning too ...

SEP 9, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

EIA Fall 2019 issue--Out Now!

We are pleased to announce the publication of the Fall 2019 issue of Ethics & International Affairs. This issue looks at targeted sanctions, (un)civil disobedience, civialan ...

SEP 9, 2019 Journal


It is hard to imagine a threat to international security or a tension within U.S. foreign policy that does not involve the imposition of ...

SEP 9, 2019 Journal

China’s Global Identity: Considering the Responsibilities of Great Power

That China is a global power today is indisputable. What kind of global power China wishes to be and is becoming, however, are open-ended questions, ...

SEP 9, 2019 Journal

Worldmaking after Empire: The Rise and Fall of Self-Determination

Contemporary global justice theorists have largely neglected the transnational aspirations of the post-1945 decolonization movement, instead seeing it as solely a movement for countries to ...

SEP 9, 2019 Journal

Negotiating Peace: A Guide to the Practice, Politics, and Law of International Mediation

Sir Winston Churchill is often credited with the phrase “To jaw-jaw is better than to war-war.” Over the last twenty years, the desire to be ...

SEP 9, 2019 Journal

Injustice: Political Theory for the Real World

In Injustice: Political Theory for the Real World, Michael Goodhart claims that the dominant paradigm's quest for “spotless” justice blinds scholars to the lived injustices ...

SEP 9, 2019 Journal

Humanitarian Action and Ethics

This edited volume from Ayesha Ahmad and James Smith offers an expansive tour across the difficult landscape of ethical conundrums in humanitarian action, traversing issues ...