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SEP 9, 2019 Journal

Briefly Noted

In his latest book, Marcus Schulzke analyzes the ethical traditions of three national militaries—the U.S. Army, the British Army and Royal Marine Commandos, ...

SEP 9, 2019 Journal

A Human Rights Approach to Conflict Resolution

The role of human rights abuses in the causes, dynamics, and consequences of conflict illustrate the importance of a human rights approach to conflict resolution: ...

President Trump at the 2017 UN General Assembly. CREDIT: <a href=>UN Photo/Ariana Lindquist (CC)</a>.

SEP 9, 2019 Article

Transactionalism and U.S. Foreign Aid

A draft of a new presidential directive on American foreign aid suggests that transactionalism will shift from being a rhetorical device to an actual defining ...

SEP 6, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

Transactionalism and U.S. Foreign Aid

One of the critical questions we have been grappling with since Donald Trump's election is the extent to which a transactional calculus would come to ...

Families partake in a climate emergency protest in Melbourne, Australia. CREDIT: <A href=>Takver (CC)</a>.

SEP 4, 2019 Article

What is the Status Quo for the Climate?

At various points in history, changes in climate contributed to the movement of people and the collapse of empires. How will the current changes in ...

SEP 3, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

What is the Status Quo for the Climate?

I have been reading an interesting book by Sarah Parcak called Archaeology from Space: How The Future Shapes our Past.

(L to R) Former Uzbeki President Islam Karimov, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, June 2016. CREDIT: <a href=> (CC)</a>

AUG 23, 2019 Article

The Ethics of Trade with China and Authoritarian Upgrading

Increased foreign investment and engagement is producing, not democratization, but "authoritarian upgrading," where selected reforms are designed to legitimize a softer authoritarianism. This presents an ...

AUG 21, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

The Ethics of Trade with China and Authoritarian Upgrading

In an earlier posting, I discussed some of the ethical frameworks for assessing the trade war with China, themes that were expanded upon in a ...

President Donald J. Trump and President Xi Jinping hold a bilateral meeting in Beijing on November 9, 2017. CREDIT: <a href=>The White House (CC)</a>.

AUG 20, 2019 Article

Ethical Considerations in a Trade War with China

Are there ethical considerations that need to be factored in as part of assessing the merits of a "trade war" with the People's Republic of ...

President Donald J. Trump walks off the stage at the Southsea Common in Portsmouth, England. CREDIT: <a href=>The White House (CC)</a>.

AUG 20, 2019 Article

Beyond Trump

Some countries are now coming to the same conclusions reached by the U.S. Global Engagement program: the 2016 election was not a "blip," but represents ...