Articles & Reports

Recent Articles

CREDIT: <a href="">Nyamdorj/Pixabay</a>

MAR 7, 2019 Article

Climate Change and Competing Ethical Visions

The prevailing narrative in the fight against climate change is that we must adopt more cooperative efforts to help vulnerable populations. But what if, instead ...

MAR 6, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

Climate Change and Competing Ethical Visions

MAR 6, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

What We've Been Reading

The NSA's Freedom Act Program, the INF Treaty, and Venezuela. Here's what we've been reading.

Zhang on a local mining road in Boké, Guinea, together with Mamady Koivogui, executive director of a local NGO, Association Mines Sans Pauvreté (far left) and local residents.

FEB 20, 2019 Article

Jingjing Zhang: Greening China's Globalization

Born in China, environmental lawyer Jingjing Zhang is working to hold China accountable for the negative impacts of its overseas investment and construction projects, the ...

FEB 19, 2019 Article

Competing Bipartisan Consensuses?

Is there any bipartisan political consensus on U.S. foreign policy? Nikolas Gvosdev argues that voters want to see the United States involved in world ...

FEB 19, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

Tackling Climate Change: Why Us Now?

Professor Henry Shue writes that we are the pivotal generation, and acting now is not only a matter of self-interest but also of our unique ...

FEB 15, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

Competing Bipartisan Consensuses?

UN patrol team, Western Sahara. CREDIT: <a href="">UN Photo/Martine Perret</a>.

FEB 5, 2019 Article

A Chance for Peace in Western Sahara

"For over a century, the people of Western Sahara have been denied our fundamental right to decide our future," writes Sidi Omar, UN representative for ...

FEB 5, 2019 Article

The New Congress and U.S. Foreign Policy

What does the new Congress think about U.S. foreign policy? Nikolas Gvosdev looks at how the Democratcs and Republicans will approach some important questions ...

FEB 5, 2019 Journal Online Exclusive

The New Congress and U.S. Foreign Policy