Articles & Reports

Recent Articles

OCT 3, 2018 Article

Empty Pews in the Church of Atlanticism

Timothy Garton Ash uses the image of "empty pews" to describe a declining commitment, not only on the part of the U.S. public, but ...

OCT 2, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

Empty Pews in the Church of Atlanticism

OCT 1, 2018 Journal

Fall 2018 (32.3)

The editors of Ethics & International Affairs are pleased to present the Fall 2018 issue of the journal! The centerpiece of this issue is a roundtable guest ...

SEP 24, 2018 Article

The Ethics of the "Doorstep"

The "doorstep test" requires policymakers to be able to articulate how, and to what degree, something happening in the world connects to the day-to-day experience, ...

SEP 24, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

The Ethics of the "Doorstep"

SEP 17, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

What We've Been Reading

Welcome to our roundup of monthly news and current events related to ethics and international affairs! Here’s what we’ve been reading in September.

SEP 12, 2018 Article

Advising the Next Administration: Finding a New Foreign Policy Approach

The Center for American Progress has released a report laying out a foreign policy approach that the next administration might consider adopting. What are some "...

The 31st day of the Umbrella Revolution, Hong Kong, October 28, 2014. CREDIT: <A HREF="">Studio Incendo</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

SEP 12, 2018 Article

Unsafe Harbor: Shrinking Space of Free Expression in Hong Kong

"Since the transfer of sovereignty in 1997, the Communist leadership in Beijing—and the Hong Kong government acting at its behest—has made a concerted effort ...

SEP 12, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

Advising the Next Administration: Finding a New Foreign Policy Approach

SEP 4, 2018 Journal

The Empire of International Legalism

In this essay, Ian Hurd uses the provocative term “empire” to show how the international legal system is also a political system based on the ...