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The 31st day of the Umbrella Revolution, Hong Kong, October 28, 2014. CREDIT: <A HREF="">Studio Incendo</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

SEP 12, 2018 Article

Unsafe Harbor: Shrinking Space of Free Expression in Hong Kong

"Since the transfer of sovereignty in 1997, the Communist leadership in Beijing—and the Hong Kong government acting at its behest—has made a concerted effort ...

SEP 12, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

Advising the Next Administration: Finding a New Foreign Policy Approach

SEP 4, 2018 Journal

The Empire of International Legalism

In this essay, Ian Hurd uses the provocative term “empire” to show how the international legal system is also a political system based on the ...

SEP 4, 2018 Journal

Introduction: Alternatives to War

Some of the most controversial foreign policy issues in the first years of the Trump administration have involved alternatives to war. This roundtable seeks to ...

SEP 4, 2018 Journal

The Case for Foreign Electoral Subversion

In this essay Cécile Fabre argues that, under certain conditions and subject to certain constraints, foreign electoral subversion may be justified as a means ...

SEP 4, 2018 Journal

Covert Positive Incentives as an Alternative to War

In this essay, James Pattison argues that covert positive incentives are preferable to both overt incentives and covert force.

SEP 4, 2018 Journal

The Ethics of Countering Digital Propaganda

Corneliu Bjola argues in this essay that the concept of moral authority offers an original framework for responding to digital disinformation campaigns.

SEP 4, 2018 Journal

Backfire: The Dark Side of Nonviolent Resistance

In this essay, Michael L. Gross examines the ethics of provoking backfire in the context of nonviolent resistance.

SEP 4, 2018 Journal

Ending Atrocity Crimes: The False Promise of Fatalism

Some commentators suggest that the best way to minimize harm in atrocity situations is to let the state win as quickly as possible. Could this ...

SEP 4, 2018 Journal

The Moral Limits of Territorial Claims in Antarctica

This article evaluates the moral weight of the initial territorial claims to Antarctica, which stand as a cornerstone of the Antarctic Treaty.