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SEP 4, 2018 Journal

Evidence for Hope: Making Human Rights Work in the 21st Century, by Kathryn Sikkink

Kathryn Sikkink’s recent book introduces a set of new ideas and approaches for assessing human rights’ effectiveness that, like her past groundbreaking work, will ...

SEP 4, 2018 Journal

Refuge: Rethinking Refugee Policy in a Changing World, by Alexander Betts and Paul Collier

This book helps us to adopt a much broader perspective on the current refugee crisis and what it might take to adequately address it. It ...

SEP 4, 2018 Journal

Briefly Noted: Psychology of a Superpower: Security and Dominance in U.S. Foreign Policy, by Christopher J. Fettweis

In this book, Christopher J. Fettweis applies lessons from psychology to analyze the impact that being the world’s sole superpower has had on the ...

Flag of the CCP. Via <a href="">Wikimedia</a> (Public domain)

AUG 29, 2018 Article

Information Warfare: the Communist Party of China’s Influence Operations in the United States and Japan

This report examines the Communist Party of China's political influence operations in the United States and Japan. It summarizes these operations, paying special attention to ...

AUG 28, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

What We've Been Reading

The UN report on Myanmar, child refugees in Nauru, and foreign aid for India. Current events in international affairs, paired with EIA and Carnegie Council ...

AUG 17, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

Upcoming Conferences of Interest 2018-2019

We've put together a list of conferences related to ethics and international relations for the 2018-2019 academic year. We hope you find a conference to ...

Watchkeeper tactical unmanned air vehicle (TUAV). Credit: <a href="">Think Defence </a>(<a href="">CC</a>)

AUG 16, 2018 Article

Inexorable Changes in U.S. Foreign Policy?

Is Trump's presidency a brief aberration after which things will return to normal? That's unlikely, argues Nikolas Gvosdev. In addition to disruptions that have already ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Gage Skidmore</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

AUG 14, 2018 Article

The Populist Appeal of American Decline

"Is it possible that, in many circles, the decline of American hegemony is something voters are implicitly cheering?" asks Daniel Graeber of Grand Valley State ...

AUG 13, 2018 Article

Ethics, Russia, and Syria

How can Moscow can support a dictator who has used chemical weapons in his desperate attempts to retain power at all costs? And what does ...

AUG 13, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

Ethics, Russia and Syria

Can Russia's amoral approach to Syria lead to a stable outcome?