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JUN 4, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

Golden Visas, Dreamers, & Ethics in Immigration, with Ayelet Shachar

In this interview, Ayelet Shachar discusses the ethical issues surrounding golden visa programs, and draws a contrast between golden visa "Parachuters" on one hand and "...

MAY 30, 2018 Article

Why is the Media Unfair to the United Nations?

Journalist Javier Delgado Rivera covers the UN regularly. He lays out the many and complex reasons why the media coverage of the UN focuses on ...

MAY 29, 2018 Article

The Ethics of Triage

Carnegie Council senior fellow Nikolas Gvosdev outlines the concept of "democracy triage." This policy recommendation proposes that democracy promotion efforts be focused on a fewer ...

MAY 27, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

The Ethics of Triage

How should policymakers prioritize efforts at democracy promotion abroad?

MAY 24, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

Climate Change and the Power to Act: An Ethical Approach for Practical Progress

The editors of Ethics & International Affairs organized a roundtable on climate change leadership and justice for the 2018 ISA convention. Access the audio and transcript of ...

Marine Le Pen, 2012. CREDIT: <a href="">Blandine Le Cain</a>  (<a href="">CC</a>)

MAY 15, 2018 Article

The French Far Right in Russia's Orbit

"Far-right groups in France are not restricted to the party of the Le Pen family. They are diverse, operate through networks, and are now well ...

MAY 10, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

American Reliability: Iran and North Korea editions

MAY 8, 2018 Article

Engagement: What Do Voters Think

Ali Wyne notes that there is a disconnect between how Americans view U.S. foreign policy and whether or not it supports and sustains their ...

MAY 8, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

Engagement: What Do Voters Think

MAY 7, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

EIA Interview on Crime and Global Justice with Daniele Archibugi

Adam Read-Brown talks with Daniele Archibugi about selectivity, "winners justice," and the perceived legitimacy international criminal tribunals.