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CREDIT: <a href="">United Nations</a>  (Public Domain)

MAR 12, 2018 Article

Maintaining Power by Breaking up Society: Eritrea Under Isaias Afwerki

Isaias Afwerki has been president of Eritrea since 1993. How has he stayed in power so long, although he is highly unpopular across Eritrea, even in ...

MAR 9, 2018 Journal

The Marketization of Citizenship in an Age of Restrictionism

This essay traces the rise of golden visa programs and critically evaluates the legal, normative, and distributional quandaries they raise. Shachar writes that the intrusion ...

MAR 9, 2018 Journal

Introduction: Rising Powers and the International Order

This roundtable brings together distinguished international scholars to reflect on grand power transition, focusing on the ways that rising states may be shaping and reshaping ...

MAR 9, 2018 Journal

Why the Liberal World Order Will Survive

This essay offers an evolutionary perspective of international order and argues that although America’s hegemonic position may be declining, the liberal international characteristics of ...

MAR 9, 2018 Journal

China and the Future International Order(s)

China sees no need for, and hence does not seek, fundamental transformation of the existing order. Rather, it seeks piecemeal modification.

MAR 9, 2018 Journal

Russia and the Liberal World Order

The question of Russia’s desire to change a liberal international order hangs on the type of liberalism embedded in that order. Moreover, despite some ...

MAR 9, 2018 Journal

India and the International Order: Accommodation and Adjustment

India’s deep-seated anti-colonial nationalism and commitment to strategic autonomy continue to form the core of Indian identity. This, in turn, informs India’s partial ...

MAR 9, 2018 Journal

A Post-Western Europe: Strange Identities in a Less Liberal World Order

Europe’s curious position—neither declining hegemon nor rising power—brings to light some intriguing dynamics of the international order. This essay traces the threats ...

MAR 9, 2018 Journal

Beyond the BRICS: Power, Pluralism, and the Future of Global Order

Dramatic changes in the global system have led many to conclude that the focus on the BRICS reflected a particular moment in time that has ...

MAR 9, 2018 Journal

How Should We Combat Corruption? Lessons from Theory and Practice

In this review essay, Gillian Brock surveys four recent books on corruption, all of which offer important insights.