Articles & Reports

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APR 23, 2018 Article

What do Americans (Republican Voters) Actually Think?

We hear all sorts of assumptions as to what American voters—and now specifically Republican voters who may or may not serve as the basis ...

APR 23, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

What do Americans (Republican Voters) Actually Think?

Rebuilding support for American internationalism requires a new overarching foreign policy narrative.

APR 18, 2018 Article

American Engagement: Dialogue at Quail Ridge

A dialogue at Quail Ridge Country Club in Boynton Beach, Florida leads to questions about the efficacy of U.S. foreign policy, gender balance in ...

APR 18, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

American Engagement: Dialogue at Quail Ridge

U.S. foreign policy remains muddled and to some extent disconnected from the aspirations of citizens across the country because we lack a compelling narrative ...

APR 18, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

Migration, Brain Drain, and Cuba-U.S. Relations

The Cuba-U.S. relationship shows that advocating open borders is not as ethically straightforward as one may think, and that sometimes open door policies have ...

APR 10, 2018 Article

Values, Immigration, and the Saudi Alliance

The value of immigration to U.S. national security and the question of whether shared values are necessary for alliance between the United States and ...

APR 10, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

Values, Immigration and the Saudi Alliance

Two recent articles in The Atlantic challenge dominant assumptions in American political discourse--and the implications ought to be discussed further.

APR 3, 2018 Article

How to Deal With Xi's China? Engage, but Be Wary

"With the recent moves aimed at consolidating power within the presidency of Xi Jinping, a new era may be beginning in terms of how China ...

APR 1, 2018 Journal

Spring 2018 (32.1)

We are pleased to present a Special Issue of Ethics & International Affairs! The heart of this Special Issue is a roundtable on the theme of "...

MAR 28, 2018 Article

The United Nations, Human Rights, and American Disengagement

A new "Foreign Policy" article says that as the United States has disengaged from the United Nations, Russia and China have moved to fill the ...