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Recent Articles

MAR 9, 2018 Journal

Ethics in an Age of Surveillance: Personal Information and Virtual Identities by Adam Henschke

This book presents a philosophically sophisticated examination of metadata collection and the ethical issues that it raises.

MAR 9, 2018 Journal

Selling the Future: The Perils of Predicting Global Politics by Ariel Colonomos

In this book, Ariel Colonomos discusses the details of how the future is told in three major domains—academia, think tanks, and credit agencies—and ...

MAR 9, 2018 Journal

The Global Health Crisis: Ethical Responsibilities by Thana Cristina de Campos

In this book, Thana Cristina de Campos focuses on identifying the moral responsibilities of nonstate actors, particularly the pharmaceutical industry, in the field of global ...

MAR 9, 2018 Journal

Environmental Success Stories: Solving Major Ecological Problems & Confronting Climate Change by Frank M. Dunnivant

Global environmental challenges such as climate change are sometimes viewed as so daunting and complex that we can only aim to mitigate rather than solve ...

MAR 9, 2018 Journal

Briefly Noted: Dictators without Borders and The Fateful Triangle

The editors review two recent books, Dictators without Borders: Power and Money in Central Asia, and The Fateful Triangle: Race, Ethnicity, Nation.

MAR 7, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

American Engagement: Dialogue with the Newport Circle of Scholars

MAR 7, 2018 Article

American Engagement: Dialogue with the Newport Circle of Scholars

Recently, Gvosdev had the opportunity to engage in dialogue on the question of what role America ought to be playing in the world with the ...

MAR 6, 2018 Article

Ethics Matter

Sophia the robot, speaking at the AI for GOOD Global Summit, 2017. CREDIT: <a href="">ITU Pictures</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

FEB 26, 2018 Article

Artificial Intelligence's Ethical Challenges

"Like the situation with nuclear power, the world will likely only confront the ethical implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technology after ...

CREDIT: <a hfer="">Hughhunt</a>. SPICE research project on solar radiation management (SRM). (<a href="">CC</a>)

FEB 26, 2018 Article

Errors of Omission, Commission, and Emission: Moral Culpability in Climate Change and Considerations of Solar Radiation Management

"As it becomes clearer that we can't stop the repercussions of climate change through mitigation alone, an ugly question rears its head, presenting perhaps the ...