Articles & Reports

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Women's March, Baltimore. CREDIT: <a href="">Elvert Barnes</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

FEB 26, 2018 Article

Sexual Exploitation: The Dynamics of Gender and Power

The Harvey Weinstein scandal ignited a crusade against sexual assault, which has expanded internationally. "This pivotal movement has made one thing absolutely clear: sexual harassment ...

CREDIT: Via ,a href="">Pixabay</a> free images

FEB 26, 2018 Article

International Regulation of Genetic Engineering: Ethical Considerations in the 21st Century

"Though it may be tempting to advance this new technology as far as we can, we must realize that genetic engineering may come at significant ...

Education is all. CREDIT: <a href="">Alan Levine</a>.  (<a href="">CC</a>)

FEB 26, 2018 Article

Education: A Last Chance

" We continue to fail to recognize that education is not a privilege. It is a right. And it is an unforgettable ethical failure on our ...

FEB 23, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

Outsourcing Thinking on Engagement?

The American public is increasingly deferential to the military on U.S. global engagement, shifting the ethical burden of responsibility.

CREDIT: <a href="">Peg Hunter</a>. Solidarity with Honduras rally, San Francisco, January 27, 2018   (<a href="">CC</a>)

FEB 20, 2018 Article

Honduras: Hearing the Call for Democracy

Less than 800 miles from our shores, Hondurans protesting against a fraudulent presidential election have been clubbed, shot at, terrorized, and arbitrarily arrested by the hundreds. ...

FEB 19, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

Munich Security Conference: Mixed Messages on American Values, Engagement

The executive and legislative branches of the U.S. government are sending mixed messages on upholding the liberal world order. What will other states do ...

FEB 19, 2018 Article

Munich Security Conference: Mixed Messages on American Values, Engagement

The United States sent mixed signals at the 2018 Munich Security Conference. On the one hand, a bipartisan group of officials stressed continuity and legislative oversight ...

FEB 9, 2018 Article

American Engagement: When It Comes to Foreign Policy, Does America Deserve Trump?

As the 2018 State of the Union address illustrated and to the great dismay of the "elites," President Trump is truly taking an "America First" approach ...

During the Asia Dialogues site visit, Pacific Delegates discuss findings with Pacific Fellow Dicky Sofjan in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, October 18, 2017. CREDIT: Devin Stewart

FEB 9, 2018 Article

Articles Resulting from Carnegie Council Religion and Tolerance Research Delegation to Indonesia, October 2017

In October 2017, Carnegie Council's Asia Dialogues program led a group of 12 Pacific Delegates from seven countries and a diverse set of professional backgrounds to Indonesia. ...

FEB 9, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

American Engagement: When It Comes to Foreign Policy, Does America Deserve Trump?