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JAN 26, 2018 Article

Trump at Davos: Trickle-Down American Engagement

President Donald Trump became the first U.S. president to address the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in 2018, where he offered his audience of ...

Declassified FBI report: "Our confidential source ascertained (...) that the bombing of the Cubana Airlines DC-8 was planned, in part, in Caracas, Venezuela, at two meetings attended by Morales Navarrete, Luis Posada Carriles and Frank Castro." <a href=""> U.S. Government doc</a>, public domain.

JAN 16, 2018 Article

A Tangled Embrace: What the JFK Papers Tell Us about the CIA's Anti-Castro Cuban Agents

In 1976, Cubana Flight 455 was brought down by a terrorist bomb. All 72 people aboard perished. Anti-Castro terrorist and longtime CIA asset Luis Posada is widely considered ...

Russian Orthodox cathedral and Cultural Center in Paris, <a href="">Ninara</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

JAN 8, 2018 Article

Russian Soft Power in France: Assessing Moscow's Cultural and Business Para-diplomacy

Don't miss this fascinating account that maps Russian soft power in France by looking at networks that are not directly state-produced: diaspora organizations, those linked ...

JAN 8, 2018 Journal Online Exclusive

Mindful Diplomacy: A Pathway to Peace

Can mindfulness practices benefit international diplomacy?

CREDIT: <a href=">Pixabay (CC)</a>

DEC 22, 2017 Article

Climate Change Might Give Your Grandfather a Heart Attack: Changing Public Perception to Drive Action

"Climate change" is often framed as something that will occur in a distant time and place. But, as Mikaela Bradbury writes, it is already affecting ...

DEC 20, 2017 Journal Online Exclusive

A New World? Changes in the Global Order

DEC 20, 2017 Article

A New World? Changes in the Global Order

Lowell Schwartz of the Naval War College says that we are in the midst of a major shift: the prevailing assumptions of the last 25 years ...

Detail from book cover

DEC 19, 2017 Article

Fantastic Voyage

As Ignatieff puts the question in his book, "Is globalization drawing us together morally? Beneath all our differences, what virtues, principles, and rules of conduct ...

DEC 13, 2017 Journal Online Exclusive

Governing Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems

The UN's first formal meeting on lethal autonomous weapon systems took place in November 2017. Unfortunately, the end of this first historic meeting brought agreement on ...

DEC 11, 2017 Journal Online Exclusive

Jonathan D. Caverley on Slowing the Proliferation of Major Conventional Weapons

In this interview, Johnathan D. Caverley and John Krzyzaniak discuss how the United States, pursuing it's own self-interest, can slow the proliferation of major conventional ...