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DEC 8, 2017 Journal

Introduction: The Roles of International Law and Just War Theory

This roundtable explores the complex relationship between the laws of war and just war theory, and emphasizes the continuing importance of maintaining parallel ethical and ...

DEC 8, 2017 Journal

Just War Theory and the Laws of War as Nonidentical Twins

In this essay, David Luban examines the similarities, but even more the dissimilarities, between just war theory and the laws of war. Specifically, he argues ...

DEC 8, 2017 Journal

Looking Inward Together: Just War Thinking and Our Shared Moral Emotions

In this essay Valerie Morkevicius argues that just war thinking serves a social and psychological role that international law cannot fill. Law is dispassionate and ...

DEC 8, 2017 Journal

A Practically Informed Morality of War: Just War, International Law, and a Changing World Order

Just war, international law, and world order are all historically conditioned realities that interrelate with one another in complex ways. This essay explores their historical ...

DEC 8, 2017 Journal

On the Relationship Between the Ethics and the Law of War: Cyber Operations and Sublethal Harm

This essay examines the 2013 Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare in order to illustrate the importance of both ethical and legal ...

DEC 8, 2017 Journal

Carbon Emissions, Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, and Unintended Harms

In this article, Christopher J. Preston compares the culpability for any unintended harms resulting from stratospheric aerosol injection versus culpability for the unintended harms already ...

DEC 8, 2017 Journal

The Comparative Culpability of SAI and Ordinary Carbon Emissions

In this response, Holly Lawford-Smith points to the issue of agency in Christopher J. Preston’s analysis. She argues that while the harms of geoengineering ...

DEC 8, 2017 Journal

Bringing Politics into SAI

In this response, Sikina Jinnah and Douglas Bushey unpack the political implications of some of Christopher J. Preston’s assumptions and framing decisions in an ...

DEC 8, 2017 Journal

Calculating the Incalculable: Is SAI the Lesser of Two Evils?

Mike Hulme responds to Christopher J. Preston, questioning whether it is possible to determine and quantify climate harms and to distinguish forensically between their causes.

DEC 8, 2017 Journal

Reconstructing Human Rights: A Pragmatist and Pluralist Inquiry into Global Ethics by Joe Hoover

In Reconstructing Human Rights, Joe Hoover locates the value of human rights in the work that they do in the world. He seeks to develop ...