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SEP 8, 2017 Journal

Ethics and the Foundation of Global Justice

Can the idea of justice be global in scope? In this essay, Amartya Sen challenges the dominant theories of justice in contemporary political philosophy, asserting ...

SEP 8, 2017 Journal

After Liberal Hegemony: The Advent of a Multiplex World Order

In this essay, Amitav Acharya argues that as the U.S.-dominated world order comes to an end, liberal values and institutions will not disappear, ...

SEP 8, 2017 Journal

Rising Powers, Responsibility, and International Society

This article examines statements made by rising powers Brazil, China, and India in UN Security Council meetings between 2011 and 2016 to identify their perspectives on which ...

SEP 8, 2017 Journal

Climate Engineering and the Playing God Critique

The “playing God” critique charges that humans should not undertake to control nature in ways that overstep the proper scope of human agency. In this ...

SEP 8, 2017 Journal

“Utopian in the Right Sense”: The Responsibility to Protect and the Logical Necessity of Reform

In this article, Aidan Hehir writes that claims made about the success of the Responsibility to Protect (RtoP) echo the pejorative conceptions of “utopianism” as ...

SEP 8, 2017 Journal

Poverty Alleviation, Global Justice, and the Real World

For nearly half a century, political theorists have wrestled with the problem of global social justice, producing ever more elaborate and analytically-sophisticated models, but without ...

SEP 8, 2017 Journal

The Ethics of Insurgency

In this review essay, James Turner Johnson considers two recent books on the ethics of insurgency warfare. He draws on the deep history of moral ...

SEP 8, 2017 Journal

Lawfare: Law as a Weapon of War by Orde Kittrie

Orde Kittrie’s impressive new book describes the various uses of law to accomplish military aims in international affairs. It offers a systematic, detailed, and ...

SEP 8, 2017 Journal

Disease Diplomacy: International Norms and Global Health Security by Sara E. Davies, Adam Kamradt-Scott, and Simon Rushton

In Disease Diplomacy, the authors provide an empirically rich and theoretically sophisticated account of the reform of the International Health Regulations. The book also makes ...

SEP 8, 2017 Journal

When Norms Collide: Local Responses to Activism against Female Genital Mutilation and Early Marriage by Karisa Cloward

In this book, Karissa Cloward employs a mixed-methods study to examine the ways that local communities react to transnational activism and international norm promotion. In ...