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APR 11, 2017 Journal Online Exclusive

Tomahawk Foreign Policy: Trump and The Use of Force Short of War

What can just war thinking and the use of force short of war tell us about Trump's strike against Syria?

APR 1, 2017 Journal

Spring 2017 (31.1)

The Spring 2017 issue includes essays by Michael Ignatieff on human rights and the ordinary virtues; Kristy A. Belton on the prospect of ending statelessness in ...

CREDIT: <a href="">The LBJ Library</a>

MAR 28, 2017 Article

President Trump's Dangerous Foreign Policy Know-Nothingism and the Lessons of Nixon and Kennedy

Kennedy kept his cool. Nixon fell to pieces. How will Trump behave under stress--a president who not only lacks a coherent theory of statecraft or ...

May 2, 2015. A boat carrying 369 mainly Eritrean migrants, 45 km off the Libyan coast. The bilge pump was blocked and water was pouring in. Everyone was evacuated safely to a rescue boat and taken to Sicily. ©Jason Florio - all rights reserved.

MAR 22, 2017 Article

No Place for Eritreans

Eritreans are fleeing their repressive homeland at the rate of 5,000 a month. Yet once they manage to leave, new dangers await these hapless refugees, from ...

MAR 10, 2017 Journal

Human Rights, Global Ethics, and the Ordinary Virtues

Drawing on research from site-visits to eight countries, this essay explores whether human rights has become a global ethic, and, if so, how the concept ...

MAR 10, 2017 Journal

Heeding the Clarion Call in the Americas: The Quest to End Statelessness

In 2014, the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees launched the #IBelong Campaign to eradicate statelessness by 2024. Given that UN Secretary-General António ...

MAR 10, 2017 Journal

Rethinking the Concept of a “Durable Solution”: Sahrawi Refugee Camps Four Decades On

The Sahrawi people have been housed in refugee camps in Tindouf, Algeria since 1975. This essay uses the case of the Sahrawi to illustrate the problematic ...

MAR 10, 2017 Journal

Introduction: The Responsibility to Protect and the Refugee Protection Regime

Would states be moved to take in more refugees if the problem was framed explicitly in terms of the Responsibility to Protect (RtoP)? In January 2016, ...

MAR 10, 2017 Journal

Shame on EU? Europe, RtoP, and the Politics of Refugee Protection

In this feature, Dan Bulley argues that there is little to be gained by invoking the RtoP norm in the context of the refugee crisis. ...

MAR 10, 2017 Journal

Capable and Culpable? The United States, RtoP, and Refugee Responsibility-Sharing

In this feature, Alise Coen takes as given that facilitating refugee protection represents an essential step towards upholding the norm of RtoP. By examining the ...