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MAR 10, 2017 Journal

Immigration Ethics and the Context of Justice

This review essay by Linda Bosniak engages David Miller’s recent book Strangers in our Midst. Specifically, Bosniak highlights the tensions inherent in Miller’s ...

MAR 6, 2017 Journal Online Exclusive

The Yemen Raid and the Grievability of Lives Lost

Framing the debate about the Yemen raid around whether President Trump is to blame misses other crucial matters that ought to be explored, particularly about ...

MAR 5, 2017 Journal Online Exclusive

The Great Divide: Democracy's Future

CREDIT:  <a href="">Héctor de Pereda</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

MAR 2, 2017 Article

Integrating the Roles of Women into Japan's Climate Change Strategies

Among Shinzo Abe's most important initiatives are Cool Earth 50 to reduce greenhouse gases and Womenomics to increase women's participation in the labor force. Yet despite ...

CREDIT: <a href="">geralt</a> via Pixabay, public domain.

FEB 24, 2017 Article

Is Nationalism an Asset or a Hindrance in Today's Globalized World?

"Nationalism is a hindrance to the world as a whole, slowing down globalization and driving the world apart. A system of organization must suit all 7 ...

Seoul Bus 503. CREDIT: <a herf="">byeangel</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

FEB 24, 2017 Article

Nationalism: A Reason for Optimism

"In the end, there is something that we ought to take from the example of Korean nationalism. Nationalism can indeed exist along with globalization, without ...

FEB 24, 2017 Article

The Bane of Nations: Nationalism in the Modern World

"Today, a European Pole might rub shoulders with an Iraqi while walking in the streets of Shanghai, and in Los Angeles an Ecuadorian store owner ...