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DEC 14, 2016 Journal

Ending Statelessness Through Belonging: A Transformative Agenda?

The subject of belonging conjures up a realm of emotions. This essay explores statelessness through the prism of belonging, asking whether the United Nations Refugee ...

DEC 14, 2016 Journal

Trials as Messages of Justice: What Should Be Expected of International Criminal Courts?

After more than a decade of work, the accomplishments of the International Criminal Court are highly contested. In this article, the authors ask, what can ...

DEC 14, 2016 Journal


The last few decades have seen a lively philosophical debate surrounding human rights. Allen Buchanan’s book The Heart of Human Rights constitutes an important ...

DEC 14, 2016 Journal

Human Rights and Status Egalitarianism

In this essay, Miller throws doubt on Allen Buchanan's claim that to understand the system of international legal human rights, we must acknowledge not only ...

DEC 14, 2016 Journal

Justifying International Legal Human Rights

In this essay, Tomalty argues that Buchanan's alternative account of the justification of ILHRs is problematic. Rejecting the "Mirroring View" does not entail the irrelevance ...

DEC 14, 2016 Journal

Human Rights: A Plea for Taking the Law and Institutions Seriously

Buchanan responds to some of the points made by each of the contributors to the symposium, making his case for taking international laws and institutions ...

DEC 14, 2016 Journal

On Constitutional Democracy and Robust International Law

This essay focuses on the tension between robust international law (RIL) and democratic constitutions. The author argues that Buchanan is broadly correct about the nature ...

DEC 14, 2016 Journal

Are Moral Rights Necessary for the Justification of International Legal Human Rights?

Andrea Sangiovanni argues that the existence of an underlying moral right is a necessary part of any successful justification of an International Legal Human Right (...

DEC 14, 2016 Journal

The Fragility of International Human Rights Law

In this essay, Zucca argues that some philosophers’ optimism about international human rights legal practice is misguided. He argues that human rights law is not ...

DEC 14, 2016 Journal

The Lessons of Effective Altruism

In this essay, Rubenstein examines two recent books by Peter Singer and William MacAskill on the philosophy and philanthropic movement known as Effective Altruism (EA). ...