Articles & Reports

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DEC 14, 2016 Journal

On War and Democracy by Christopher Kutz

There is a fundamental ethical dilemma confronting all democratic states: if they intervene in violence-ridden contexts, then they are readily accused of double standards. On ...

DEC 14, 2016 Journal

Taking Sides in Peacekeeping: Impartiality and the Future of the United Nations by Emily Paddon Rhoads

The norm of impartiality is pivotal to the United Nations’ activities in the areas of conflict resolution, mediation, peacekeeping, humanitarian action, and adjudication. In recent ...

DEC 14, 2016 Journal

The Planet Remade: How Geoengineering Could Change the World by Oliver Morton

In this book, Morton’s central question is whether solar geoengineering ought to be part of society’s climate policy portfolio. The author educates, illuminates, ...

DEC 14, 2016 Journal

Migration in Political Theory: The Ethics of Movement and Membership, Sarah Fine and Lea Ypi, eds.

This collection of twelve essays by some of the most distinguished political theorists, philosophers, and legal scholars working on the normative issues surrounding borders and ...

DEC 14, 2016 Journal

The Hillary Doctrine: Sex & American Foreign Policy by Valerie M. Hudson and Patricia Leidl

Given that much of the political science literature on women, gender, and U.S. foreign policy has primarily examined the legislative branch and public opinion, ...

UN General Assembly, New York City. CREDIT: <a href="">Yerpo</a> <a href="">(CC)</a>

DEC 7, 2016 Article

The Question Is: Can the UN Survive the Trump Era?

The United Nations will swear in António Guterres as its ninth secretary-general on December 12, when the organization will be only weeks away from the ...

DEC 1, 2016 Journal

Winter 2016 (30.4)

We are pleased to announce the publication of the fourth issue in EIA’s 30th anniversary volume. This issue includes an essay by Kristy A. ...

Protest at Standing Rock, November 2016. CREDIT: Max Collins

NOV 30, 2016 Article

Solidarity in Dark Times: Why the World Must Fight for Collective Human Rights Now

"It is time for the world to move away from liberal and neoliberal-centric understandings of human rights that underline the importance of the individual, and ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Joe Campbell</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

NOV 28, 2016 Article

Donald Trump. . . . . Commander-in-Chief

Donald Trump is now president-elect. Despite the bitter opposition that occurred throughout the campaign, all Americans should want him to be successful. This is particularly ...

Delegates with Devin Stewart (far right) at Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo.

NOV 22, 2016 Article

Carnegie Council's 2016 Gender Research Delegation to Tokyo, Japan

Twelve delegates from seven countries and diverse professional backgrounds visited Tokyo to examine moral issues around gender equality in Japanese society. They participated in classroom ...