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OCT 14, 2016 Journal Online Exclusive

What We've Been Reading

Welcome to our roundup of news and current events related to ethics and international affairs! Here’s what we’ve been reading this autumn.

Scene of suicide bomb attack, Jakarta, January 14, 2016. CREDIT: <a href="">Gunawan Kartapranata</a>. (<a href="">CC</a>)

OCT 4, 2016 Article

Southeast Asia—The Islamic State's New Front?

From Bangladesh to the Philippines, the Islamic State's efforts to win over South and Southeast Asians have been substantial and have increased over the past ...

OCT 4, 2016 Journal Online Exclusive

Upcoming Conferences of Interest 2016-2017

We have compiled a list of upcoming conferences related to the fields of ethics and international affairs. We hope you find something that interests you!

OCT 3, 2016 Journal Online Exclusive

The Ethics of Autonomous Weapon Systems (aka Killer Robots)

Ethics & International Affairs is pleased to present a collection of recent work on the ethics of autonomous weapon systems (AWS).

OCT 1, 2016 Journal

Fall 2016 (30.3)

The third issue in EIA’s 30th anniversary volume includes essays by Nicholas Chan on the bottom-up architecture of the Paris climate change agreement, Jens ...

SEP 28, 2016 Journal Online Exclusive

EIA Interview with Karin Aggestam on Sweden's Feminist Foreign Policy

In this interview, Professor Karin Aggestam of Lund University discusses Sweden's feminist foreign policy, both in theory and in practice. Aggestam's essay on this topic, ...

SEP 27, 2016 Journal Online Exclusive

Autonomous Weapon Diplomacy: The Geneva Debates

The third and most recent informal experts' meeting on lethal autonomous weapons systems (LAWS) took place in April 2016 at the UN Convention on Certain Conventional ...

SEP 15, 2016 Journal

Robots as “Evil Means”? A Rejoinder to Jenkins and Purves

The notion that some means of waging war are mala in se is a confronting one. Surely, any weapon can be used for good or ...

SEP 15, 2016 Journal

Robots and Respect: A Response to Robert Sparrow

Robert Sparrow recently argued in this journal that several initially plausible arguments in favor of the deployment of autonomous weapon systems (AWS) in warfare are ...

SEP 15, 2016 Journal

Ethics and Inequality: A Strategic and Practical View

Deng Xiaoping once said, “Let some get rich first, the others will follow.” This is Angus Deaton’s basic view in The Great Escape. Deaton, ...