Articles & Reports

Recent Articles

Migrants' life jackets and inflatable tubes on Lesbos. CREDIT: <a href="">Tyson Sadler</a>. (See also Sadler's Carnegie Council <a href="">Instagram Take-over</a>.)

SEP 7, 2016 Article

Greece, the Greeks, and the Crisis: Reaching Beyond "That's how it Goes"

Understandably, international attention focuses on the sufferings of migrants arriving in Greece. But what of the Greeks themselves? Though largely invisible to tourists, the country's ...

CREDIT: <a href="">TakePart/Participant Media</a>

AUG 30, 2016 Article

Ethics on Film: Discussion of "Food, Inc."

This documentary takes a close look at the U.S. food industry and finds that cheap food is costly and sometimes deadly to the environment, ...

AUG 22, 2016 Journal Online Exclusive

The Stateless and the New UN Secretary-General

When it comes to the crisis of the stateless—those who have fled their homes, been ejected from their states by war, conflict, natural disasters ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Paramount Pictures</a>

AUG 22, 2016 Article

Ethics on Film: Discussion of "Selma"

This stirring film gives a behind-the-scenes look at the Selma-to-Montgomery march and illustrates how and why King's strategy worked. It also shows the devastating consequences ...

AUG 19, 2016 Journal Online Exclusive

Insecurity and the U.S. Election

Is a sense of insecurity the principal driver of the 2016 election in the United States? I wonder whether what we are witnessing reflects a sense "...

AUG 17, 2016 Journal Online Exclusive

U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse on Climate Change: A Test of American Leadership

Climate change is urgent, and it commands a moral dimension. The dry, strategic terminology about competition, conflict and instability shrouds a terrible toll of simple ...

AUG 16, 2016 Journal Online Exclusive

EIA Interview with Robert Sparrow on Autonomous Weapon Systems and Respect in Warfare

In this interview, Professor Robert Sparrow of Monash University speaks to the journal about his work on ethical issues raised by new technologies. The conversation ...

CREDIT: <a href="">Eric Baker</a> (,a href="">CC</a>)

AUG 12, 2016 Article

Hold the Salmon, How About Scup? For Sustainable Seafood, Variety is Key

Atlantic salmon and blue fin tuna have been overfished nearly to extinction and farmed fish come with concerns such as the overuse of antibiotics. Yet ...

Waseda University students. CREDIT: <a href="">UCL institute of Education</a> (<a href="">CC</a>)

AUG 4, 2016 Article

Higher Education's Role in Japan's Recovery

Japan has been investing in major reforms to improve its higher education system and therefore its economy. The goal is to foster a new class ...

AUG 2, 2016 Journal Online Exclusive

Managed Pluralism

One of the subtexts of recent and forthcoming elections in Europe and in North America is the extent to which liberal democracies can permit high ...