
In focusing on issues concerning ethics and war, Carnegie Council examines the root causes of genocide and steps for prevention. Our materials voice the opinions of leaders on the ground: those fighting for justice in Serbia and during the Rwandan genocide, former prosecutors in the International Criminal Court, executives from organizations concerning genocide prevention and memory, and more.

Video Resources
Lesson Plans
External Resources

Global Ethics Corner: This short, two minute multimedia educational series examines political, economic, environmental, and philosophical issues from an ethical perspective. It challenges the viewer to analyze social studies phenomena and respond thoughtfully.

This series is great for high school "Do Now" hook writing exercises and accompanying conversations, argumentative writing, and debates. Transcripts are available for students to annotate or for classrooms withut multimedia systems.

Short Expert Videos: These short, two to six-minute video clips from academic experts and prominent leaders feature discussions on politics, economics, the environment, and philosophy.

These primary and secondary sources make great complements to lectures and readings. They enable the student to gain a deeper understanding and explore different positions. It will work well in a college-bound high school or college classroom as well as in the flipped classroom.


Ethics on Film: Discussion of "Hotel Rwanda" Based on the true story of a Rwandan hotel manager who saved the lives of over 1,200 refugees during the 1994 genocide, this film points blame at the international community and the UN for doing almost nothing to intervene.

The Problems of Doing Good: Somalia as a Case Study in Humanitarian Intervention (Case Study Series)
Why was Somalia selected for intervention, when so many areas are in crisis? The realist argues that the U.S. must be selective; the globalist that global order and standards are essential to national interest (1997).


A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide by Samantha Power
Carnegie Council lecture

Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda by Romeo Dallaire
Carnegie Council lecture

All the Missing Souls: A Personal History of the War Crimes Tribunals by David Scheffer
Carnegie Council lecture

Teaching about Genocide: Issues, Approaches, and Resources by Samuel Totten

Materials Designed for Educators:
Crisis Guide: Darfur (CFR)
Timeline: Leaders Facing Justice (CFR)
Facing History and Ourselves
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (Genocide Section)
Watchers of the Sky