
Carnegie Council envisions a world where ethics are the first consideration in decisions affecting international relations. We have selected our favorite Council materials from social justice leaders and researchers from around the world. Students can learn about non-violent movements, global social justice issues, and activism.

Video Resources
Content Resources
Lesson Plans


Global Ethics Corner: This short, two minute multimedia educational series examines political, economic, environmental, and philosophical issues from an ethical perspective. It challenges the viewer to analyze social studies phenomena and respond thoughtfully.

This series is great for high school "Do Now" hook writing exercises and accompanying conversations, argumentative writing, and debates. Transcripts are available for students to annotate or for classrooms without multimedia systems.

Short Expert Videos: These short, two to six-minute video clips from academic experts and prominent leaders feature discussions on politics, economics, the environment, and philosophy.

These primary and secondary sources make great complements to lectures and readings. They enable the student to gain a deeper understanding and explore different positions. It will work well in a college-bound high school or college classroom as well as in the flipped classroom.


100 for 100—Primary Sources: For 100 years, Carnegie Council has worked with prominent academic and leaders on issues concerning policy, peace, ethics, and international affairs. We have curated primary sources from our archives that will help students learn more about social justice issues and peacemaking in the 20th century.

Human Rights Resource Picks (2014): To mark Human Rights Day 2014, we presented a selection of Carnegie Council resources from the past year. They include discussions of children's rights and the power of online activism, and a special roundtable from "Ethics & International Affairs" on the future of human rights.

Human Rights Resource Picks (2013): These multimedia resources cover a wide range of human rights issues, including exposing abuses; women's rights; workers' rights in South Asia; human rights in North Korea and China; and lastly, a classic article on world poverty and human rights.


Ethics on Film: Discussion of "Gandhi:" This film is a textbook on Gandhi's political philosophy and the Indian quest for statehood. And for many, Ben Kingsley's performance in the title role, which won him an Oscar and worldwide fame, is THE definitive portrayal of the man.

Ethics on Film: Discussion of the "Island President:"
This film makes it clear that it is impossible to overstate the catastrophic effect that global warming will have on the Maldives. During the 2009 Copenhagen Summit, an interviewer asked Mohamed Nasheed, the country's president, what Plan B is for the Indian Ocean archipelago. Without missing a beat, Nasheed answered, "None. We will all die."

Ethics on Film: Discussion of "Fire in the Blood:" With the tagline "Medicine, Monopoly, Malice," this powerful documentary tells how Western drug companies fought to keep discounted AIDS medications from reaching HIV-positive citizens of the developing world.

Taking an Ethical Perspective: A great way to develop higher-level thinking skills is through activities that analyze and interpret social studies phenomena from an ethical perspective. Through these high school lesson plan frameworks, students can closely examine an issue, identify arguments and counter-arguments, and then determine their morality based upon the evidence.