Carnegie Council has pulled excerpts from some of our most relevant primary sources and recent lectures for use in the social studies classroom. Each excerpt is in .doc form for easy teacher modifications. We have also provided the full transcript for each document for better context of the authors' arguments.

- Chinese Refugees' Perceptions of Commune Land Productivity versus Official Reports (1976)
- Refugee Accounts of the Great Chinese Famine
- Grade School during the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1973)
- University during the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1973)
- What are the Biggest Threats to China's Security?
- How Does Geography Shape China's Domestic and Foreign Policies?
US Civil Rights
- How Does the Civil Rights Movement Relate to the Plight of Refugees? (Bayard Rustin, 1978)
- How Did the Cold War and Church Relate to the Civil Rights Movement? (March 1960)
- Hawaiian Statehood and the Civil Rights Movement (August 1959)
- Mass Civil Disobedience
- MLK on the 1967 Race Riots
- African American Identity and Double Consciousness
Andrew Carnegie
- Andrew Carnegie short biography
- Andrew Carnegie on the Ethics of Violence and War (January 1, 1914)
- Andrew Carnegie's Vision of World Peace (political cartoon)