Our Podcasts

Listen to the latest insights from Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. Tune in to hear from leading experts and thinkers, identifying and addressing the most critical ethical issues of today and tomorrow.

APR 7, 2017 Podcast

Protestants: The Faith that Made the Modern World

Understanding Protestantism is fundamental to understanding the modern world, says Professor Alec Ryrie. It has shaped democratic liberalism, capitalism, limited government, the notion of free ...

APR 6, 2017 Podcast

Global Ethics Forum Preview: The Populist Explosion with John Judis

Next time on Global Ethics Forum, journalist John Judis discusses the past and present of populism, in Europe and the United States. In this excerpt, ...

Detail from book cover

APR 5, 2017 Podcast

A Question of Order: India, Turkey, and the Return of Strongmen

Journalist Basharat Peer recounts the rise of two strongmen: Erdogan in Turkey and Modi in India. What they have in common "is a lack of ...

Pyongyang, North Korea. CREDIT: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/momocita/6822805138">Jen Morgan</a> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/">(CC)</a>

APR 4, 2017 Podcast

Nuclear War with North Korea?

The North Koreans are not crazy, says Korea scholar Joel S. Wit. They have valid reasons for feeling threatened and their nuclear strategy has actually ...

APR 1, 2017 Journal

Spring 2017 (31.1)

The Spring 2017 issue includes essays by Michael Ignatieff on human rights and the ordinary virtues; Kristy A. Belton on the prospect of ending statelessness in ...

MAR 28, 2017 Podcast

Global Ethics Forum Preview: Europe's Last Chance with Guy Verhofstadt

Next time on Global Ethics Forum, former Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt argues against populism and nationalism and for a stronger, more unified Europe. In ...

MAR 27, 2017 Podcast

Duterte's Drug War and Human Rights in the Philippines and Southeast Asia

President Duterte has created a human rights calamity, says Phelim Kine of Human Rights Watch. In just over over eight months, 7,000 of the poorest, most ...

MAR 24, 2017 Podcast

The Lockerbie Bombing: The Search for Justice

In 1988, a bomb detonated on Pan Am 103, killing all on board and devastating the Scottish town of Lockerbie. A Libyan was convicted of the crime. ...

MAR 23, 2017 Podcast

Teaching Ethics at the Coast Guard Academy with Lt. Tony Gregg

Lt. Tony Gregg is an active-duty officer and instructor of moral and ethical philosophy for the Coast Guard Academy. In this talk, he discusses his ...

MAR 23, 2017 Podcast

The Gene Machine: How Genetic Technologies are Changing the Way We Have Kids—and the Kids We Have

Scientists already have the ability to edit genes to treat hereditary diseases, and to screen in vitro embyros for such diseases. Where will these evolving ...