Our Podcasts

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MAR 10, 2017 Journal

Capable and Culpable? The United States, RtoP, and Refugee Responsibility-Sharing

In this feature, Alise Coen takes as given that facilitating refugee protection represents an essential step towards upholding the norm of RtoP. By examining the ...

MAR 10, 2017 Journal

Immigration Ethics and the Context of Justice

This review essay by Linda Bosniak engages David Miller’s recent book Strangers in our Midst. Specifically, Bosniak highlights the tensions inherent in Miller’s ...

MAR 9, 2017 Podcast

Global Ethics Forum Preview: The Future of Journalism with Charles Sennott

Next time on Global Ethics Forum, the GroundTruth Project's Charles Sennott discusses the future of journalism. In this excerpt, Sennott talks to journalist Stephanie Sy ...

Detail from book cover

MAR 8, 2017 Podcast

Pankaj Mishra on our "Age of Anger"

"I think the reason why so many people feel angry and disaffected is that too much has been promised to them in recent decades and ...

MAR 6, 2017 Journal Online Exclusive

The Yemen Raid and the Grievability of Lives Lost

Framing the debate about the Yemen raid around whether President Trump is to blame misses other crucial matters that ought to be explored, particularly about ...

MAR 5, 2017 Journal Online Exclusive

The Great Divide: Democracy's Future

Protest against the travel ban at Dulles International Airport in Virgina, January 28, 2017. CREDIT: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/geoliv/31769361243/">Geoff Livingston</a> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/">(CC)</a>

MAR 3, 2017 Podcast

Human Rights Narratives and Active Resistance, with Sujata Gadka-Wilcox

Gadkar-Wilcox says that when it comes to human rights, we need to ask more questions about systems and origins. This is especially important now, as ...