Our Podcasts

Listen to the latest insights from Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. Tune in to hear from leading experts and thinkers, identifying and addressing the most critical ethical issues of today and tomorrow.

NOV 2, 2015 Podcast

American Century, Asian Century, or Nobody's Century?

Is the American century coming to a close, and if so, what's taking its place? Was there ever an American century to begin with? These ...

OCT 29, 2015 Podcast

Population Ethics in the Time of Global Warming

One of the most important insights to emerge slowly over the past hundred years is that the actions of the current generation could have profound ...

OCT 28, 2015 Podcast

How to Live in the Anthropocene

In 1997 a distinguished group of scientists published an influential article in which they concluded that "it is clear that we live on a human-dominated planet." ...

OCT 23, 2015 Podcast

Secular Ethics: Old/New Shakyamuni, Dalai Lama

In this lively, learned, and funny talk, leading U.S. expert on Tibetan Buddhism Robert Thurman riffs off the Dalai Lama's secular ethics project, laying ...

OCT 20, 2015 Podcast

Global Ethics Day: Feeding the Planet

There are roughly 2 billion people who are under-nourished and another 2 billion who are overweight or obese. In other words, about half the world's population is ...