Our Podcasts

Listen to the latest insights from Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. Tune in to hear from leading experts and thinkers, identifying and addressing the most critical ethical issues of today and tomorrow.

JAN 14, 2015 Journal Online Exclusive

The Charlie Hebdo Massacre and the Question of Hate Speech

When does protected expression venture into the realm of hate speech, and who should determine when a particular expression qualifies as such?

CREDIT: Gusta Johnson

JAN 7, 2015 Podcast

Unaccountable: Janine Wedel on how Elite Power Brokers have Corrupted the U.S. System

Anthropologist Janine Wedel exposes America's "new corruption"--the unprecedented ways that many politicians, retired generals, academics, bankers, and physicians exploit their prestige and insider knowledge.

DEC 22, 2014 Podcast

Money and American Politics: A Conversation with Lawrence Lessig

On a crusade against the corrupting influence of money in politics, Lawrence Lessig founded a "super PAC" which raised $10 million to support candidates committed to ...

DEC 18, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

Restoring Diplomatic Relations with Cuba: Ethical Dilemmas

What, if any, are America's moral duties to the Cuban state and the Cuban people? And what do these duties say about America's commitment to ...

DEC 17, 2014 Podcast

The Rise of ISIS: Implications for U.S. Strategy, Interests, and Values

How did ISIS grow so quickly? What is the best strategy to overcome it and how long will it take? How should the U.S. ...

DEC 16, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

EIA Podcast: Introducing the Winter 2014 Issue

In this podcast, EIA Associate Editor Zach Dorfman speaks with Carnegie Council Communications Director Madeleine Lynn on the winter 2014 issue of the journal.

DEC 16, 2014 Podcast

The Business of Humanitarian Aid and Philanthropy: A Case Study

By using a single organization, SaveLIFE Foundation in India, as a case study, this episode of Impact explores how NGOs in emerging markets adopt business ...

DEC 16, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

How Norms Die: A Response

Authoritarian regimes routinely use torture against domestic political opponents; democracies hardly ever do. What the two regimes share is that they place little weight on ...

DEC 16, 2014 Podcast

Introduction to "Ethics & International Affairs," Winter 2014

In this podcast, Zach Dorfman introduces the winter 2014 issue of "Ethics & International Affairs." Topics include "cultures of humanitarianism" in East Asia; torture and norm death; ...

DEC 15, 2014 Podcast

A Conversation with Lieutenant General H. R. McMaster

How can U.S. soldiers be trained to maintain ethical and legal standards in today's complex and often brutal environment? How is the Army preparing ...