Our Podcasts

Listen to the latest insights from Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. Tune in to hear from leading experts and thinkers, identifying and addressing the most critical ethical issues of today and tomorrow.

OCT 21, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

The Ottoman Road to War: Mustafa Aksakal on the Ottoman Empire and WWI

For Aksakal, World War I informs national identities in the Middle East even today, even though it is itself poorly understood.

OCT 18, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

The Ethics of Intervention

An overly literal application of just war concepts might eliminate many of the proposed and recently undertaken U.S. interventions; on the other hand, using ...

OCT 16, 2014 Podcast

The Middle East in Crisis: A View from Israel

Chuck Freilich, former Israeli deputy national security adviser, speaks from Tel Aviv on turbulence across the greater Middle East, including the ISIL threat, Iran and ...

Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy

OCT 15, 2014 Podcast

Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy

What are the requirements for a liberal democracy? It's not just voting, says Fukuyama. It needs a distinction between public and private interest; rule of ...

OCT 14, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

Why Fossil Fuel Divestment Is Working

Fossil fuel divestment has its limitations and will only be successful in conjunction with broader action. Nonetheless, the movement is already having significant positive impacts ...

OCT 13, 2014 Podcast

Elite Perceptions of the United States in Europe and Asia

An interesting new report finds that political and business leaders in Asia value U.S. hard power while Europeans focus on American values. Both, however, ...

CREDIT: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/yandle/14834024021">Yandle</a> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">(CC)</a>

OCT 8, 2014 Podcast

Data Threats: Hackers, Government Agencies, and Defending Data Online

Cybersecurity risks increases daily as more and more of our private information is stored online--and the biggest threat isn't necessarily hackers. This second episode in ...

OCT 6, 2014 Podcast

Peaceland: Conflict Resolution and the Everyday Politics of International Intervention

Why do international peace interventions often fail to reach their full potential? Based on 15 years of research in conflict zones around the world, Autesserre shows ...

OCT 6, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

The Paradox of Using Human Shields in War

MICHAEL GROSS May guerrillas use human shields? The short answer is yes, but not always.

OCT 2, 2014 Podcast

A Conversation with Lieutenant-General Roméo A. Dallaire

In this inspiring conversation, Dallaire talks about his faith in the principle of R2P--"one of the great innovations of our time"--and how ...