Our Podcasts

Listen to the latest insights from Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs. Tune in to hear from leading experts and thinkers, identifying and addressing the most critical ethical issues of today and tomorrow.

<a href="http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-165783677/stock-photo-kharkiv-ukraine-december-constitution-square-in-the-city-center-after-a-recent-overhaul-on.html">Constitution Square</a> in Kharkiv, Ukraine via Shutterstock

APR 23, 2014 Podcast

Report from Ukraine: The Crisis Moves East

David Speedie discusses with Dr. Nicolai Petro, currently a Fulbright Fellow in Odessa, the recent outbreaks of violence in pro-Russia majority regions of Eastern Ukraine, ...

Huang Yu-fen & Wei Yang of the Sunflower Movement

APR 23, 2014 Podcast

Taiwan's Student Sunflower Movement: Interview with Two of its Leaders

In an unprecedented event this Spring, the Sunflower Student Movement occupied Taiwan's Legislative Yuan for over three weeks. The students finally withdrew after the government ...

The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: When Girl Meets Oil

APR 17, 2014 Podcast

The Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: When Girl Meets Oil

How can corporations work to prevent human rights violations on their watch, as well as disasters like the BP Deepwater Horizon explosion? Christine Bader discusses ...

<a href="http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-100458637/stock-photo-nuclear-power-plant.html">Image</a> via Shutterstock

APR 16, 2014 Podcast

Iran and Nuclear Proliferation: Update with Joseph Cirincione

Joseph Cirincione, president of the Ploughshares Fund, discusses the status and prospects for the ongoing P5+1 talks in Vienna on Iran's nuclear program, and the ...

Detail from book cover.

APR 15, 2014 Podcast

Temptations of Power: Islamists and Illiberal Democracy in a New Middle East

What if a group decides democratically that they don't want to be liberal--that they want an "illiberal democracy"? Shadi Hamid argues that repression originally compelled ...


APR 14, 2014 Podcast

Asia's Cauldron: The South China Sea and the End of a Stable Pacific

No wonder the South China Sea is important to China, says Robert Kaplan. It's the Mediterranean of Asia, the center of international commerce, including energy ...

APR 11, 2014 Podcast

An Update from Ukraine

From Odessa, political scientist Dr. Nicolai Petro discusses the unrest in the eastern Donbas region and possibilities for a diplomatic resolution of the Ukraine crisis.

APR 11, 2014 Podcast

Blueprint or Scramble?

Climate change is impacting the globe in surprising ways. The Maldives might be submerged, but Canadian trade could benefit from new waterways. What's the best ...

APR 10, 2014 Podcast

The Story of the Jews: Finding the Words (1000 BCE–1492)

Never at a loss for words, the inimitable, erudite, and very funny Simon Schama free-associates his way through Jewish history: the Old Testament, Jewish dancing ...

APR 10, 2014 Journal Online Exclusive

Ukraine, The Great Powers, Budapest, and Astheneia

The Ukrainian government was either led to believe or fooled itself into thinking that was was produced in Budapest in 1994 constituted guarantees about its security, ...